With Valentine's Day around the corner, we all know that "love" is in the air and cupid is getting ready to point his arrows.
Each year when this time comes around, a little bit after the holidays we begin to see the red, heart-shaped boxes of chocolate fill the aisles of grocery stores, along with giant cards and fluffy teddy bears. It reminds us of roses and love and for those Pisces people like myself, birthdays. But even though we all associate one singular word with a holiday, we all have our own unique meaning and interpretation of it.
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Love comes in all shapes and sizes and variations. For such a strong word, it has endless meanings. For one universal understanding of a feeling, We all interpret it differently. We feel it in our own way and express it differently.
Despite the differences when it comes to the world "love" we all share one thing--the limitlessness. Love is limitless. We have the power to love unconditionally. And endlessly. The ability to love anyone or anything we want? We have it.
That is why when someone asked me to "Describe love in one word" and I replied, "limitless," I was curious as to how others would respond because there is simply no limit to the answer.
Hearing the responses of these wonderful people I have asked to describe "love" with one word proved to me that not only do we all experience it differently, but there are endless ways to describe it.
"Home (because you feel like you belong there)" - Helen, 21
"Warm" - Sarah, 19
"Happiness" - Krista, 21"
"Unconditional" - Brianna, 21
"Passion" - John, 20
"Everlasting" - Mikayla, 20
" Family" - Alfie, 20
"Laughing" - Sofia, 20
"Beautiful" - Dee, 20
"Passion" - Gina, 20
"Worth waiting for" - Sonja, 26
"Loyalty" - Miranda 19
"Special" - Jake A, 19
"Timeless" - Rob, 21
"Happiness" - Emily, 21
"Mysterious" - Jake C, 21
"Appreciation" - Jess R, 21
"Evolving" - Ryan, 20
"Magical" - Corey, 20
"Commitment" - Brianna P, 21
"Wild" - Allegra, 28
"Powerful" - Jess, 20
"Pain" - Kevin, 22
"Putting someone's needs and happiness before your own" - Courtney, 20
"Simple" - Amanda, 21
"Overcoming" - Jess B, 20
"Passionate" - Steph, 20
"Selfless" - Kyra, 20
This Valentine's Day, no matter if you are single, taken, or somewhere in the middle, remember that love has no limit. No matter the person you give it to or how much love you give, there is no limit. Even on the difficult days, love with all your heart because we all know the world could use a little more love.