23 Health Facts You Had No Idea Were True | The Odyssey Online
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23 Health Facts You Had No Idea Were True

Just some interesting facts to impress your friends with.

23 Health Facts You Had No Idea Were True

Here are just 23 random health facts. Enjoy!

1. Banging your head against a wall burns about 150 calories per hour.

2. The average person inhales about 45 pounds of dust during his or her life.

3. Humans and dolphins are the only species that mate for pleasure.

4. People will die from a lack of sleep before they die of starvation.

5. Humans share about 70% of DNA with slugs.

6. Human fingers bend and stretch about 25 million times during a normal lifetime.

7. Around 20% of the world’s children and adolescents have mental disorders and problems.

8. About half of those mental disorders begin before age 14.

9. Exercising during the day can give people energy and help sleep patterns but doing so within five hours of bedtime can actually have the opposite effect.

10. Avoiding screens and bright lights before going to bed can help you fall asleep faster.

11. People who drink diet soda regularly are 48% more likely to have a stroke or heart attack than people who rarely drink any soda.

12. A human heart beats about 100,000 times per day, which is about 30 million times a year.

13. Humans make around 1 to 1.6 liters of saliva a day.

14. In one square inch of a human hand, there are 600 pain sensors, 9000 nerve endings, and 75 pressure sensors.

15. Humans are about 70% made of water.

16. Despite popular belief, knuckle cracking is not linked to arthritis.

17. A hypnic jerk is an involuntary muscle spasm or twitch that “jerks” a person awake in the transition between wakefulness and sleep. It is typically felt as a falling sensation.

18. There is little research on hypnic jerks, but some sleep experts suggest that sleep deprivation, stress, and fatigue can contribute to their frequency.

19. A McDonald’s salad contains more calories and grams of fat than their hamburger.

20. Chicken contains almost three times more fat today than it did in 1970.

21. The U.S. spends more money per person on healthcare than any other developed country.

22. 8.5% of adults today have diabetes, which is almost two times the amount that it was in 1980.

23. An excessively hygienic environment increases the risk of eczema and asthma in children.

Have a nice rest of your day!

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