"Living Hope" By Phil Wickham | The Odyssey Online
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23 Great Worship Songs To Add To Your Next Jesus Jams Playlist

"I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through generations." -Psalm 89:1


There can never be too many great worship songs about God's love. Here are a few to add to your next playlist:

"Haven't Seen It Yet" By Danny Gokey

Have you been pouring your heart out to God? Have you been praying endlessly for so long? Have you been looking for a miracle and wondering why it hasn't occurred yet? Don't worry. According to Gokey, God had a solution before you even had a problem. You're closer to it than you think you are; you just haven't seen it yet. Remember: God's timing is better than ours.

"I Can Only Imagine" By MercyMe

What will it be like when we finally get to Heaven? What will it be like to finally see Jesus Himself in all His glory? Well until then, like the song says, we can only imagine.

"What A Beautiful Name It Is" By Hillsong

No name can compare to the One who knew us before our parents' did, and died so that we could be forgiven- even when we didn't deserve it.

"Psalm 42" By Tori Kelly

Just a reminder that we need God as much as we need water (like the deer in Psalm 42).

"Holy Spirit" By Francesca Battistelli 

Nothing can compare to feeling God's presence. Holy Spirit you are welcome here.

"Amazing Grace" By Judy Collins

Why this specific version you may ask? Just listening to Collins sing at the very beginning just gives you chills! Listen as her voice seems to echo as she sings it. Just, wow.

"How Great Is Our God" By Chris Tomlin

That title just about sums it up!

"Lead Me To The Cross" By Hillsong 

Imagine what it would be like to see the place where Jesus Christ our Savior died for our sins.

"Come Out of Hiding" By Steffany Gretzinger

It's as if the Holy Spirit was working through the one who wrote this song that is meant to be from God's point of view.

"Reckless Love" By Cory Asbury

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." -Romans 8:38

No matter what we do, or what we go through, God's love for us never changes. Nothing, not even death, can separate us from Him. And if you turn away from Him, He will never turn away from you.

"One" By Sadie Robertson & LO Worship 

If you are a Sadie Robertson fan, then this is a song for you!

"You Are Loved" By Josh Groban

No matter what you go through, or what you feel, always remember: You. Are. Loved.

"Your Words" By Third Day

"The grass withers, the flower fades; but the word of our God will stand forever."

One thing that will never fade as the world goes on, is God's Word. Most things in life are temporary, but God is eternal!

"Head Above Water" By Avril Lavigne

When you feel like you are drowning in life, call upon the Lord and he will help you keep your chin up.

"Soul on Fire" By Third Day

How we long for God's ways until we reach His kingdom.

"Be Still and Know" By Amy Grant

"Be still and know that I am God."- Psalm 46:10

"Oceans" By Hillsong

This song may be long, but it is POWERFUL!

"Power in the Blood" Amy Grant

There is power in both the name and blood of Jesus.

"Carry You" By Amy Grant

"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest."-Matthew 11:28

"You Say" By Lauren Deigel  

"People are fickle. They will love you some days, but not so much on other days. The only constant in this world is Jesus." -Sadie Robertson

It doesn't matter what someone else thinks of us (especially if it's negative); we are who God says we are.

"Living Hope" By Phil Wickham

Just a powerful song about Jesus Christ: our living hope.

"Great Is Thy Faithfulness" By Chris Rice

This hymn is a reminder that God is always faithful to us no matter what. If we lose faith in Him, He will never lose faith in us.

"On Eagles Wings" By Josh Groban

Beautiful song about God our refuge.

Listening to just one of these songs right now will improve your mood faster than you can say, "Jesus loves me."

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