Everyone dreads finals week, and we all know how it goes. Here are some GIF's that perfectly represent a college student's exam week.
1. You go into finals week, not really sure of what you're doing.
2. You are barely able to keep your eyes open after pulling all nighters as an attempt to get your life together.
3. You live on insane amounts of coffee and wonder how on earth anyone could live without it.
4. You head into your first test, feeling confident and ready to crush those finals.
5. You realize you don't know the answer to a single question on your first exam.
6. You feel discouraged and want to give up already. Unfortunately, you still have four more finals to take.
7. Studying for the next few tests is even harder since you now know you were all but prepared for the first one.
This includes cramming study time in between exams.
8. You take multiple study breaks, trying to forget how much you have to do, and eat your stress away.
9. The reaction you have when people ask you how you're holding up.
10. You know you are not alone as you look around realize everyone else is just as miserable as you are.
11. You head into your next exam with an uneasy feeling, not sure of how this one will turn out.
12. Surprisingly, that one wasn't so bad!
You certainly got at least a B.
13. Looking through your notes for the next few tests, you realize shouldn't have spent so many classes looking on your phone instead of paying attention.
14. You spend time on social media, despite the fact that you should really be studying.
15. The stress of finals and the fear of failure sets in.
16. You head into your next test, not caring how well you do because you are so over this semester.
17. You practice for that final presentation and give yourself a little pep talk.
18. You spend way too much time thinking about how tired you are and how much you would love to be taking a nap right now.
19. You feel the desperate need to get out of your room and go home.
20. You "slayed" that final presentation and feel ready to party.
21. Taking the long awaited, and much deserved, nap.
22. You spend your last weekend celebrating the end of your stress.
23. You say the dreaded goodbyes to all your friends as you head home for the summer.