Being single is a part of life.
It's a part of life that everyone goes through- you're not alone. Some people prefer it, others do not. When you are single there is so much to do! So much that life has to offer! So why just sit around and mope and eat ice cream and watch Ryan Gosling take off his shirt 1,000 times (I mean, do that last part. Every day if you want. I'll sit and watch with you). But really - why should all the lovebirds and couples have fun? I can be a spirited bird and flap my wings to my own love song!
So here are a few ways I'll be celebrating next week....
1. Treat yourself
Every person deserves a pampering day. Whether this is going to a spa, getting a mani/pedi, or even going to get your hair washed/blow dried at a salon - they each make the biggest mental and emotional difference. A bath with candles and sweet shampoo would suffice (to save the wallet), too!
2. Veg out.
Because who doesn't love to sit on the couch and do nothing all day?
3. Throw a party!
4. Burn your exes things (Boyfriend Bonfire!)
What better releasing of the past than fire? If you don't have his stuff, write him a true, personal note, and burn that. The feeling is incredibly empowering.
5. Start something new (yoga, ballet, cooking, etc.)
Starting a new engagement is both scary and fun. It's exciting to start, but scary because you have no idea how great (or terrible) you will be. But by starting it, it'll give you the motivation to continue and improve your ability and love for it.
6. Send love someone else's way (best friend, great grandmother, etc.)
7. Volunteer locally
By helping others, science has proven that it improves one's mental/emotional status (I've heard...). So volunteering is a great way to get into a good mood! Plus, so many people benefit, whether you interact with them or not - every hand helps.
8. Valentine Secret-Santa with your closest friends
If your friends don't have plans at some point on the 14th (most won't have plans every second of the day), plan a little get together! Draw names the week before, get a small gift, and everyone can bring some food goodness! It would be a great hang out sesh and something to definitely look forward to.
9. Date Channing Tatum movies for the day.
Need anything else be said?
10. Play hooky with a close friend and go on an adventure!
Every time I have called up a friend and said, "let's go on an adventure!" fantastic memories have been made. Whether it is just around town, a walk by the river, or down to the capital - You'll always have some of the best fun when it is spontaneous.11. Ask a guy friend on a platonic date.
I have guy friends that are single and dreading the 14th, too. Why should we suffer alone? Let's suffer together!12. Call up your family and just hang out.
Your family may be cliche to hang out with on the holiday of love, but they do love you - and you love them. Plus, since you probably don't see them too often anymore, they'd love the gesture. And you would love the distraction.
13. Send flowers to yourself.
...I ordered mine months ago... Is that bad?14. Save your money and treat yourself out next weekend!
Everyone is spending money this weekend like crazy! Go out next weekend when nothing will be crowded and waits will be the shortest.15. Take a you-only date-day!
You're single. Enjoy it.
It feels like it will last forever and that you're the absolute only one, but you're not. Trust me. You should enjoy this lack of commitment while you have the chance.
16. Get stuff done!
Have you been pushing off the spring cleaning? Do you have job applications waiting on your desktop? Just take a few hours and knock it all out! It will be a perfect way to distract yourself, and to feel accomplished.
17. Sleep.
Do you even have to question it?
18. Turn off your phone.
Take a break from the world - focus solely on you. Don't touch technology whatsoever! Read a book, watch a movie (it doesn't count as socializing, so it can be plugged in), cuddle your puppy! Go to the grocery store and just people watch. Enjoy yourtime, enjoy your self, just enjoy.
19. Start a new book.
Because who doesn't love disappearing into an entire new world?
20. See "How To Be Single" in theaters!
10 bucks. Go see it. By yourself or with a friend. It's going to be downright hilarious. And hopefully empowering.
21. Discover something new about your town!
Is your downtown small and cliche? Or degrading? Doesn't matter! Go check it out: walk into every store, boutique, coffee shop, etc. If you know your downtown like the back of your hand, go explore some nearby towns! Simply discover something new!22. But no matter what... Avoid those annoying lovey-dovey couples just for today (even if they are your best friends).
Few people wish to be reminded of what they don't have - so if you just avoid it altogether, you will be happier than ever (well, that might be an exaggeration, but you get the point).Happy Day of the Single Life.
No matter what, Valentine's Day is a day meant for you to cherish yourself or others - it's totally up to you. Don't get down about the hearts and chocolates everywhere, make it a reason to get up! Chocolate will be on sale Monday! You can buy all the teddy bears in the world for a few cheap bucks! You need to make this day all about you - not anything else. So make it one to remember; a memory for you, and only you, to cherish.