The past year and a half leading up to the U.S. presidential election in November have been closely followed by millions of people worldwide. We've seen it all; from Donald Trump talking about his genitals at one of the GOP debates to Hillary Clinton's e-mail scandal. The election started with 17 Republican and six Democratic candidates, which has since decreased. The remaining three candidates are Donald Trump for the Republican Party and Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party.
While it is very likely Donald Trump will be the GOP presidential candidate in November, the Democratic nominee is still unclear. The primary elections have done little to indicate which candidate will win the party's nomination over the summer, as Clinton and Sanders currently hold 1,716 and 1,433 pledged delegates, respectively.
Social media has allowed millions of people worldwide to document the events of the election. Twitter is just one of these sites and provides a platform for users to share their thoughts on the debates and campaigns in 140 characters or less (where no candidate is spared). Some of these tweets perfectly summarize the thoughts we all have during this election season.
1. Bernie Sanders' age.
2. This election parallels a never-ending game of Cards Against Humanity.
3. Donald Trump's qualifications to run for president.
Aside from TV hosting and running a real estate empire, what has Donald Trump actually accomplished?
4. Ted Cruz's suspended campaign.
5. This election is like being trapped on a boat in the middle of the ocean.
6. The Republican debates.
7. And the Democratic ones.
8. Hillary Clinton's rocky campaign.
I'm not sure about Xbox, but Clinton has been known to play with her Gameboy from time to time.
9. Canada's concern for America.
Canada's even offering its own dating site to help Americans escape a Trump presidency: Maple Match.
10. Remember when Jim Webb was a candidate?
11. And Jeb Bush?
12. And Martin O'Malley?
People really liked O'Malley, just not for his viability as a presidential nominee.
13. Sanders' relentless discussion of income inequality.
14. The unlikely duo of Cruz and Fiorina teaming up as potential running mates.
This was before Cruz suspended his campaign though, right?
15. The true horror of a Trump presidency.
That's almost too real to joke about.
16. When Bernie Sanders was the most searched candidate by January 2016 on social media.
Were they feeling the Bern or wondering who let that homeless man onto the stage?
17. When some people harbored suspicions that Ted Cruz was the infamous Zodiac Killer.
18. When you realize the candidates have Muppets doppelgängers.
19. The Clinton campaign trying to connect with American youth.
20. And relatedly...
Behind every joke is an ounce of truth.
21. Donald Trump's personality perfectly summed up.
22. Who will drop out next?
You can read more tweets about the election under the #Election2016 tag on Twitter.