Are you a new traveler? Many people are now on vacation or about to study abroad and from someone who recently just back from traveling, I've compiled a list of things I wish I knew and some tips that I think might help a new traveler.
1. Pack Lightly
This speaks for itself, why would you carry around more things and make it more difficult to get around?
2. Pack Food
You may not know when your next meal is so pack some granola bars or Cliff Bars. They're great at restoring energy and will keep you fuller longer.
3. Clear Your Phone of Any Unnecessary Apps or Photos
Keep your memory clear so you can download any necessary apps to get around or to take as many pictures and videos as possible.
4. Invest In a Power Bank
These will save your life--literally. When you're lost and need wifi to figure out where you are and you're on 5%, this power bank will hopefully save you until you can get to the nearest outlet.
5. Buy a Euro-Adapter or Any Adapter For All Parts of The World
This can come as a package but basically it's a set of adapters for your own charger so that you can charge your phone with different types of outlets and trust me you'll want one of these.
6. Realize That No One Really Cares That You're American
If you're from the States not many people will be jumping out of their seats just to figure out where you come from, many see our culture as very loud and abrasive. Yes, there will be curious people out there but don't be surprised if they don't ask any more than what country you come from.
7. Customize Yourself With the Culture
Make sure you know what's expected in each culture you go to because if not you'll definitely look like the odd one out.
8. Stay Off Your Phone
Unless you need directions or are snapping a quick picture, don't be on your phone every second you have WiFi. You're in a totally different place with new everything, so go out and see it.
9. You Will Get Lost and That's Okay
Don't worry too much about getting lost, unless you have someplace you need to be at a certain time. Take a deep breathe, relax and then calmly reassess your situation and ask for help
10. You Will Be Stressed or Confused/Lost and Will Not Know What To Do and It's Okay
This goes with number 9 but there will be a time when you get so frustrated that you wish you didn't even go on the trip. Don't stress too much and take a breather, relax and then keep on going.
11. When Getting Lost It's Okay To Ask Others For Help
Most people will most likely be more than willing to help if you just ask.
12. Don't Take Out Too Much Currency
If you're traveling to a different country where they use different currency make sure you don't take out more than around $100 unless you plan on staying for a long period of time. You don't want to get pick-pocketed and wind up broke.
13. Ask The Locals For A Place To Eat Or To Visit
Most likely they'll direct you in a place that tour guides or the internet won't tell you so don't be afraid to ask.
14. Visit Museums--Knowledge Is Power
Also ask for student discounts or free walking tours. Many places have discounts/free things.
15. Always Get To the Airport Earlier Than You Would Think
You never know if you'll get stuck in traffic on your way to the airport or the train you need to take is delayed or something like that. Always plan ahead.
16. Have A Good Playlist To Listen To
This will help you remember all the fun times you had and it's always great to remember how you felt in that exact moment.
17. Buy The Hotel/Hostels/Air BNB Places Ahead Of Time is a great place to find cheap places to stay and buy them as soon as you know where you're headed so you don't end up without a place to stay.
18. Buy Something For Yourself
It doesn't have to be big but something that will help you remember your trip.
19. Don't Be Afraid To Meet New People
If you're traveling with friends or family, try to get to know as many new people as you can. Having a network all over the world can help you out more than you think. And if you're solo traveling, it's a great way to see the country your in if you have somebody else in the same position as you are.
20. Try New Things Even If It Makes You Uncomfortable At First
The best memories or stories are from the most unexpected situations.
21. Be Prepared For Anything
Always be prepared because you never know what might happen.
22. Have Fun
You're traveling! Most people dream of going where you are and that's something to be proud of. Enjoy yourself because whenever you return home you'll miss every second of it.
Hopefully these tricks will help you or have helped you when traveling.