I fell in love with reading at a very young age, before I decided that I wanted to major in English. Books, for me, were an escape from the real world. Books ended up being my friends for a while. I know that when I read books, I always think about the story as I go along. I am guessing that many of you have some thoughts when you read certain books too. Here is a list of 22 thoughts one might have when reading:
1. Hands down, that was the best book I have ever read in my entire life!
2. I need to read the next book in the series... I need to buy it, right now. "Mom! We're going to Barnes and Noble!"
3. The book was okay, I guess.
4. I read the book that you love so much. Why did you love it again?
5. I don't recommend this book to anyone...
6. They killed the main character!? What the hell is wrong with this author?
7. I'm going to re-read this book. It was so good!
8. They finally found each other again. They fell in love and got married. Then the author had to kill the husband. I'm deeply upset.
9. That book destroyed me. It made me cry, and I can't stop thinking about it.
10. A cliffhanger ending? There's a sequel? YES!!
11. I would totally be friends with these characters.
12. Why are the fictional boyfriends so dreamy? I would date him if he were real.
13. Stop embarrassing yourself hardcore, I'm getting embarrassed myself.
14. When is the action going to kick in?
15. Oh, I get it now, this book takes place both in the past and present. Gotcha.
16. Oh no! I'm almost done with the book that I started less than a day ago.
17. How am I going to read this 800 page book?
18. I need to find a new book to read.
19. How am I supposed to move on from this book series?
20. I thought that book looked stupid... I was so wrong.
21. Plot twist!
22. I just love reading so much!