Everyone has at least one friend who they consider their "best." The one person who they share absolutely everything with. Here are some key components to a true BFFship!
1. We know EVERYTHING about each other (even the gross stuff)
2. We have our own little language
3. We're closer tan most couples
4. You always have some to talk gossip with
5. You're there when I need help with anything
6. You accept me for who I am
7. Built in study buddy!
8. I always have someone to cuddle with (I'm the little spoon)
9. You don't care how immature I am
10. Whenever you're hungry you have someone to get food with
11. A therapy session is just a text away
12. You don't judge me for my (many) Spongebob Squarepants references
13. I always have someone to show funny pictures that I find on facebook to
14. We can be our true selves with one another
15. You can handle my dirty jokes
16. Even if we're far away, we will always be there for each other
17. We give each other dandelions and pretend to be romantic
18. You let me talk about my past and you accept it
19. We try to learn about each other's interests
20. We know so much about each others' significant others it's like we're dating them
21. I know when we're both 21 I have you to gamble/ party with
22. You're always there for me through the good and the bad
I really don't know where I would be without you. Thank you for being by my side through thick and thin and never forget that I'm always here for you!