1. You lose sleep, lots and lots of sleep.
During midterm week, sleep is just unheard of and you can't wait to sleep once it's over.
2. You have to force yourself to turn off your phone while you study
It's so tempting to keep checking it, but you stay strong (or at least try to).
3. ... and you lose snapchat streaks
Sorry, friends.
4. ... and get behind on all that's going on in the cyber world.
"Omg did you hear so and so are dating?!?!" "Um, no"
5. You forget what day it is.
August, September, October?????
6. You disappear for hours at a time in a library.
Sometimes it's the only way to get anything done.
7. You flip out when someone takes your favorite study spot.
At PC, there is nothing like the upstairs corner tables in the library or a whole classroom to yourself in Ruane or Harkins.
8. The weekend prior to your midterm just feels like an extension of the week.
You know it's bad when you want the weekend to end.
9. Your friends check in on you to make sure you're still alive because they haven't seen you in way too long.
Those little check-in texts truly keep you going.
10. You realize you haven't called home in a week.
11. You skip meals to study (and live off of granola bars).
You make sure to stock up on all different varieties.
12. You eat more because you're up at all hours of the night.
2 a.m. snack anyone?
13. Junk food becomes your best friend (if it wasn't already).
Packing up all your favorite snacks and taking them to the library is a must. They make studying slightly better.
14. You literally run on Dunkin' (or Starbucks or whatever coffee you can get your hands on)
It's the only way to stay awake.
15. You lose any sense of fashion you ever had.
A different combination of a t-shirt, sweatpants, and slippers becomes your daily outfit.
16. You do anything you can to keep yourself awake.
Listen to music, change study spots, take a shower, drink coffee, etc - you've tried it all.
17. You feel a sense of comfort knowing everyone on campus is just as exhausted and stressed as you are.
You're not the only one struggling. We feel you, girl.
18. You don't have time for the gym.
Going to the gym just doesn't happen.
19. You complain A LOT.
All problems seem to just be a billion times worse during midterm week.
20. You can't believe it's already the middle of the semester.
Didn't we just start school?
21. Clubs and activities just know not to hold any meetings this week.
It's not even worth trying.
22. Netflix just doesn't exist anymore.
Every time you see it on your "favorites" or "recently" visited, the temptation is real and you cry a little.