The world today is so much different than it was 50, 20 or even five years ago. Everything is constantly changing right under our noses, and we fail to see the changes being made. When I was a toddler, I remember playing with toys like Barbies and Hot Wheels or even the swing set out back, but in today's society toddlers are paying on iPhones and tablets. I listen to my parents and grand parents talk about the things that they did when they were young, and it just amazes me how much things have changed. I can't tell you how many times I have heard my grandma saying "we weren't allowed to come inside until the street lights came on"! Today, if a parent chooses to spank their child it is seen as abuse or neglect when a decade ago it was a normal thing for parents to do to their children as a method of punishment. I believe that our generation is smart and has the opportunity to do great things, don't get me wrong, I do believe that we are becoming numb, to certain situations and I think that we are approaching a time that will be revolved around technology.
1. We have trouble with face to face interactions.
I mean think about it. What do you do when you get nervous or feel awkward? You use your phone to get yourself out of the situation whether it is needing to take a fake phone call to have the excuse to leave the room or just scrolling through social media. Can you remember the last time that you shook someone's hand or looked someone in the eyes and had a conversation with them?
2. We need to take the time to stop and smell the roses.
We are always going and going like we have this need to hurry. But why?
3. Instead of giving your children a tablet or a video game send them outside and teach them throw a football or hit a baseball.
Spending quality time with your children is so important for them and their development and yes, it is okay to play a video game every once in a while but they need fresh air too! When you were growing up did you sit in front of the computer or TV all day? I don't think so!
4. Our focus is on the future instead of the present and one day we will look back and think where has the time gone.
We never seem to just want to take a walk in the park or relax we are always too busy to take a minute to take a second and be in the present.
5. We are lazy because we have everything at the touch or click of a button.
Smart phones! Hello! We want something to eat, okay! Just get on the pizza app and order one without even having to move off of the couch. Needing to check your bank account? Don't worry, there is an app for that!
6. We expect everything, but are actually willing to work for very little.
We expect to be billionaires some day. We all want to be rich and famous while having killer bodies but come on now, I don't think that laying in your bed watching Netflix is going to get you there.
7. We are more worried about "me" than "we," which is why we are called the "me" generation.
I want this, I need this, I am hungry, I love that! Me, me, me, me, me! How about we take the time to help the old man crossing the street or help that girl pick up her books that she dropped?
8. We are impatient. When we want something, we want it right that second. We get upset if we have to wait for it.
I just ordered a package two hours ago, and I can't believe it isn't here yet.
9. We are spoiled, and we think that we are entitled to things.
Well I mean I am alive right? So the world totally owes me.
10. We seek recognition for the dumbest things.
Hey Mom, look, I threw my trash in the trash can. Do I get a gold star now? Well, do you know that when our parents and grandparents were younger they had these things called chores, and that they were expected to babysit their siblings? Crazy right?
11. We get offended when someone criticizes us, instead of using it to better ourselves.
We think that our ideas are the best ideas, and that what we do is the best. We should actually be using the criticism as a tool to help us better ourselves.
12. We live in a time where "time outs" have replaced spankings.
When a parent spanks their kids in this day and age people call it child abuse and make a huge deal of it, but when our parents and grandparents they got much worse that just a spanking. Years ago, parents would use belts and paddles to punish their kids. In my own personal opinion, I believe that is why the older generations today are more respectful. We are go too easy on our children because sometimes time out just isn't enough.
13. If we are not told what we want to hear we throw a fit.
Not everything that comes out of someone's mouth is going to be exactly what you want to hear. I think just like criticism we need to use this to our own advantage.
14. We are afraid to stand out and be a leader, because we are too busy worrying about what everyone else is going to do.
I say that if you want to wear bring pink pants and green shoes, then go for it! We are all too afraid of what others are going to say about us to just be ourselves!
15. We blame others for our mistakes.
We never want to be wrong and we get embarrassed when we mess up instead of just admitting our mistakes.
16. We look at "catching feelings" as a bad thing because we think that we are too cool for love, dates and labels.
Our generation is afraid of being judged for being in a relationship or catching feelings which is just a crazy concept to the older generations.
17. We are worried more about parties, drugs and hookups than we are about finding love and making something of yourself!
We don't want to take the time to invest ourselves by falling in love and putting a label on things because we would much rather take the easy way out!
18. We are very quick to judge others for even the silliest of things.
Judging is something that is very easy to do and we do it to make us feel better about ourselves!
19. We live in a generation where everything revolves around how many likes you get on a picture or how many followers you have.
Social media is our generation's big thing. We have to find the perfect filter and the perfect picture because we want to show how popular we are and how many people like us by getting likes on our pictures and posts.
20. When we think about our future everything is "#goals." Relationship goals, outfit goals, millionaire goals, makeup goals, you get the pint.
I think that instead of focusing on what other people do we should focusing on making our own stories and goals because that is what will matter in the end!
21. We don't set out to be different, we set out to be cookie cutters of other successful people that we see, like celebrities and millionaires.
I mean if you think about this then you are basically insulting yourself by wanting to be someone else because that's like saying your not cool enough. So, just be you and do your thing!
22. We want everything! Yes, everything. Even the things that we know we can't afford!
So many people are broke and in debt because they spend beyond their means as a fear of being judged for not having all the nice things that other people have.