What’s that? Is that a chill in the air you feel? Yes, indeed, the weather is finally catching up with our school schedules and deciding that it is fall. And with this season comes both joys and sorrows. Here are a few signs that fall has come to your campus:
1. The changing leaves have turned the skyline into a beautiful tie-dyed landscape, making your walk to classes a lot more beautiful.
2. The same leaves are also falling, and they make really satisfying crunching noises under your feet.
3. Unless it rained last night, those leaves are mushy, slippery hazard. Be careful on that sidewalk!
4. Everything is pumpkin flavored! The donuts, the lattes, the pies. Yum yum yum!
5. It’s also always a good time for hot chocolate these days. Don't forget the marshmallows!
6. Apple orchards are now in season, ready for you to come romp around and collect some fresh fruit for your table.
7. The orchards are also ready to sell pumpkins, as well, if you like to make pies or carve up a couple jack-o-lanterns.
8. The squirrels are out in full force, doing their last-minute nut-gathering. You get to watch them run around, all cute and furry!
9. The rise of squirrels parallels a decrease in birds as they skedaddle for warmer climates. You have to fear that each birdsong you hear might be your last for a few months.
10. The days are shorter. On one hand, it means that you can stargaze longer and downtown gets lit up earlier.
11. On the other hand, it means that it gets dark and cold very early, making walking home from an evening class less than fun.
12. You’re never really sure how many layers to wear anymore. It’s cold enough for a jacket in the morning, but might get too warm for that in the afternoon, and after dark it’s freezing again.… Decisions, decisions!
13. If you choose the wrong day to leave your gloves at home, you find at the end of the day that the back of your hands have started to get red and chapped, and you haven’t bought lotion yet.
14. Everything about you is bundled up … but your nose is still cold, and a scarf around your face feels like overkill when it’s still so sunny out.
15. Not only is your nose cold, but the sudden changes in temperature are making it run like crazy. And there’s only so much space in your pockets for tissues!
16. But dressing for the cold weather isn’t all bad. Hoodies and turtlenecks, those incredibly comfortable tops, are now unquestionably in season!
17. Scarves, hats, and boots will soon be fashionable, as well.
18. (Seriously, if you’re from somewhere where the weather never drops below 60 or 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and you’re now going to college in the Midwestern United States, do yourself a favor and get yourself a nice scarf, pair of boots, and pair of gloves. You’ll thank yourself later.)
19. The coming of fall means that winter is coming, and you don’t have to be a Stark to look forward to that. Soon everything will be pretty and white, and you’ll be able to make snowmen!
20. But winter isn’t here yet. First we have fall holidays!
21. It’s almost Halloween, when everybody gets to play dress-up and eat a lot of candy, no matter how old you are. No complaints here!
22. After Halloween comes Thanksgiving, which we get off of school for, when we get to spend time with family and eat a lot of good food. Again, no complaints!
I’d say fall is pretty fabulous overall, especially when experienced from inside a warm coat. Enjoy our last few snowless weeks!