22 Signs You're an OLQH Girl | The Odyssey Online
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22 Signs You're an OLQH Girl

Here we go, Zudio...

22 Signs You're an OLQH Girl

Our Lady Queen of Heaven School; it's a long name. Some people call it OLQHS, others Queen of Heaven, but it'll always be OLQH to me, the Catholic school I attended for a decade. These are just some of the MANY memories from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade:

1. You watched school announcements on TV every morning.

Sometimes, student council put on quite a show.

2. Church services (and therefore, walking down the street) were every week.

Looking back, I feel bad for the teachers who had to make sure all of the kids were safe along this journey.

3. You dressed up as Mary or an angel.

The yearly class plays, Festival of Lights and Wreaths, the sixth grade sign language song... it goes on and on...

4. You were in a Mardi Gras parade.

This is Louisiana after all. In kindergarten, you rode the wagon. In fifth grade, you pulled the wagon. In the other elementary years, you simply caught the candy.

5. You pulled your bear and got your card signed at least once.

No matter how well-behaved you were, you eventually slipped up at some point.

6. If you wanted to see how you were looking, you could simply look up at the cafeteria ceiling.

Hey there, reflection!

7. Recess consisted of chasing boys in the earlier years and watching the boys play wall-ball in the later years.

Chit-chat was rampant during both activities.

8. Part of the playground was actually old fitness stations...

... and you weren't allowed to climb up those two poles.

9. You went to the Zoo of Acadiana, NASA, Houston Zoo, Louisiana State Capital (old and new), U.S.S. Kidd, Houston Museum of Natural Science, Moody Gardens, New Orleans, and maybe even Washington, D.C.

Those yearly field trips were the best!

10. On said field trips, Nintendo Chat dominated the bus.

This current generation will never understand...

11. Cursive writing was mandatory beginning in third grade...

... except math.

12. The "Helping Verbs" song was your jam.

It was to the tune of "Jingle Bells," and I still remember the lyrics verbatim today.

13. Starting to switch classes in fifth grade was an adjustment.

You mean, I have more than one teacher now?

14. The best first day of school was sixth grade (middle school) because you were finally old enough to wear the skirts!

Adios, jumpers!

15. You wore navy blue soffees under said skirts and jumpers.

You could say it was for PE, but really we would have worn them regardless.

16. Lent made you feel guilty.

Everyone else seemed to be giving up something more significant than you...

17. Despite the "no makeup" rule, you wore at least concealer and lip gloss.

Yeah, it was an awkward age.

18. You were in the Baronettes (tambourines, drums, and/or flags), Jazzline, and/or Cheerleaders.

Go Barons!

19. For most of the years you went there, you didn't know what a "Baron" even was.

It's actually the lowest form of nobility.

20. The volleyball game against the teachers was just one graduation reminder.

The teachers beat my grade.

21. You went to St. Louis or Barbe post-graduation.

From Barons to Saints and Bucs...

22. During both high school and college, you realized that the "good ole," simple days were those at OLQH.

You really miss it!

I am so fortunate to have experienced these great moments and am proud to be an OLQH alumni!

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