You can take someone out of the Region, but you can't take the Region out of someone. In a mysterious way, it always seems to bring you back. You have to admit to having pride a little bit of pride relating to at least one of these instances.
1. Being called a "rat" is a compliment, not an insult.
2. You're not even phased when a camel's walking down the middle of the street.
(The language may be a bit much, but what else would you expect from the Region?)
3. You never called Southlake "Westfield" when it changed ownerships. TG it's Southlake, again.
4. There's no better greeting than the sweet smell of the BP oil refineries in Whiting or the steel mills in Gary.
5. You call the expressways by their number, not their name.
"Which is better to avoid Chicago traffic, 80/94 or 90?"
6. Also, yes it is "expressway." It's not "freeway" or "highway." Don't bother arguing.
7. You see more Illinois license plates at gas stations, liquor stores, and cigarette places in the Region than actually in Illinois.
8. It's a sin if you haven't been to Pierogi Fest in a while. It's a greater sin if you've never been to Pierogi Fest.
How can you live with yourself turning down the opportunity to hang out with Mr. Pierogi, Miss Paczki, and the Babushka Brigade?!
9. Pretty much anywhere south of Highland (aka Munster, Schererville, St. John, Dyer, etc.) is considered very fancy.
10. Whenever introducing yourself to new people, you say you're from Chicago just so you can avoid "wait, where is *insert Region city/town* again?"
11. People telling you that you have a Chicago accent and Chicagoans vehemently disagreeing with them.
12. Getting a grimacing look from people when you say your hometown isn't that far from Gary.
13. Lake Central should be its own town with how many kids go there. Seriously.
14. You know how Lincoln's and Miner Dunn are underrated gold mines when it comes to good food.
15. You ride or die with Chicago sports — Bulls, Hawks, Cubs, Sox. If not, you may be ostracized (you probably will).
Even staying loyal to Da Bears because 1985 will always be da best. (There's still a sliver of hope).
16. St. Thomas More and/or SJE always dominated the CYO Christmas tournament during basketball season. Actually, they pretty much dominated in any sport.
17. No other area has anything on our alcohol tolerance. Not a thing.
18. Getting our sources of information from NWI Gazette instead of NWI Times.
19. Following @RegionRatRants never fails to make you laugh, then cry with its accuracy.
One minute it's hilarious for how true it is, the next it's shame for how true it is.
20. By the time the Cline exit off of Calumet gets fixed, hell would have frozen over and it'll be the 12th of never.
21. Your heart breaks a little bit every time Munster Donut is closed because someone drove into it. Again.
This is why we can't have nice things.