Now that classes have started to begin, I'm beginning to realize that I really am a junior in college. I don't know where the past two years went, but here we are. College is passing before my eyes and it's kind of scary. Did you just start your junior year? Well, I think you'd agree with these 22 thoughts that have raced through my mind lately...
1. You’re not quite old enough to go to the bars yet, but you are way too old to be seen at a frat party.
I mean, do you really want to spend your Friday nights surrounded by drunk freshmen who have no idea what they're doing? Didn't think so. Can I just turn 21 now?
2. If you go out more than twice a month, you’re getting wild.
You'd much rather stay in bed and binge watch Netflix with no makeup on than go out and party all the time. How did you do this every weekend freshman year?
3. You only have one or two core classes left and they’re always really awkward because you’re arguably the oldest person in them.
I'm finally finishing my last core classes....and let me tell you, being surrounded by freshmen gets really old really fast and also makes me feel like I'm a grandma.
4. Speaking of classes, you’re completely overwhelmed with classes in your major and that will make you question your major every five minutes.
I still have no idea what I want to do with my life.
5. If you haven’t started looking for an internship yet, you’re screwed.
Someone, please help me get my life together.
6. You like to deny the fact that you are indeed halfway done with undergrad.
Seriously, where did these past two years go?
7. You’ve completely given up on the thought of looking cute to class. If you brush your hair it’s a good day.
Yet I'm surrounded by wannabe Kardashians everywhere I go...
8. Odds are you have a place off-campus now, but if you are still living on campus, you get mistaken for a freshman at least once a day. Wut.
So story time: I still live on campus, but in a single room. My single room is in a mostly freshman dorm and for at least two weeks every time I saw someone, they would ask me how I was adjusting to college life or if I was enjoying freshman year so far. Um. No. Annoying.
9. You can no longer use the excuse “I’m still adjusting to college life” when someone asks you why you failed an exam.
Honestly, I just suck at college sometimes.
10. Being single is starting to get scary because everyone you know is getting engaged.
Who you date is getting more and more serious because you're just one decision away from possibly meeting the person you'll spend the rest of your life with.
11. Making new friends is getting more and more difficult, but also easier at the same time.
In some ways, it's so much easier to make friends because you've been doing it for the past two years, but at the same time, everyone is so stuck in their ways it's kind of hard to get to know anyone new...
12. You’re way too old to hit on freshmen, yet you do it anyway.
I am so guilty of this. I know he's only eighteen and still low key a child, but...
13. High school is one big blur of regret…and freshman year probably is, too.
Why was I such an idiot?
14. The thought of graduation makes you want to puke.
I am terrified of the real world.
15. You hear freshman girls walking past you gossiping about how excited they are to hit up the frats this weekend and you can’t help but giggle.
News flash honey: it's not going to be any different than the last party you were at. Get ready for a lot of disappointment.
16. LinkedIn is a thing now and you should probably use it.
LinkedIn is probably the most important social media site there is yet I know nothing about it...
17. It’s impossible to walk through campus without seeing someone you know.
And unless we're super close, I probably don't want to see you.
18. You check your email at least once a day.
Otherwise, you will miss something important and be screwed over. Check ya email, friends.
19. Sometimes you run into a random hookup from freshman year and want to cry.
It's awkward and you spend the entire thirty seconds it takes for the two of you to cross paths on the sidewalk staring at the ground and praying they don't remember you.
20. The number of friends you had your first two years of college has significantly decreased.
Freshman year I had probably thirty friends. Junior year I have three.
21. You no longer crush on every single guy you meet because you know they’ll likely be an asshole and waste your time.
Just because you matched on Tinder doesn't mean they're worth your time...
22. You are much more independent now than you ever were.
Shoutout to college for making me do stuff on my own.