22 Signs That You Attended Williamsville South High School
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22 Signs That You Attended Williamsville South High School

Yes, our mascot was a billy goat.

22 Signs That You Attended Williamsville South High School

"Encouraging. Nurturing. Challenging." That was the motto that rang through the halls at Williamsville South High School. If you had the opportunity to attend Williamsville South, here are some things that you might remember during your four years there:

1. People made fun of us for having a billy goat as our mascot

When your college friends asks you about your high school and team mascot, and you say "billy goat," they give you a strange look. You've never really actually thought it was weird until you left south and heard all your friends high school mascots names. Go Billies!

2. The parking lot made you sad

If you were late to school, you already knew you were going to get a parking spot near the tennis courts. As you were parking you could hear the first 7:40 a.m. bell ring, and you knew you were screwed because it takes four minutes just to walk to the door. You also got in trouble if you parked in the teacher parking; those lunch monitors would hunt you down if you took their spot.

3. You got so happy to find out you have Mr. Lester for gym class

Mr. Lester was literally the nicest teacher on the planet. Having him for gym class meant you didn't actually have to participate to get a decent grade. If you had any other gym teacher, watch out. You actually had to participate.

4. The librarians thought they were drill sergeants

Didn't hand in your book in time? They would actually hunt you down. Don't have a library pass? Too bad, can't stay here. You need to leave early? Nope. You can leave when you hear the bell.

5. Playing Williamsville East in any sport was like playing in a championship game

Let's distinguish the flames!

6. You had to give the acting performance of your life at the nurses offices

The nurses knew you weren't sick, but you really needed to convince them you were so they could call your parents. They would offer you to lay down on their crusty beds, but you just wanted to lay on your couch at home instead.

7. Picking out your senior locker was one of the most stressful days of your life

There was pushing and shoving, just like black Friday. Back then, you needed to get the best locker location in the senior hallway or the world was going to end.

8. You referred to South as a "prison"

Pretty much everywhere you looked was gray. There was a lot of teachers with walkie talkies walking around the halls. They were just trying to keep us safe, but they were just killing our vibe.

9. Cafeteria workers took their job way too seriously

If a cafeteria worker didn't send a student to the principals office, you'd be shocked. You really needed to befriend the cafeteria workers if you wanted to survive.

10. Hearing your name on the loud speaker was like getting called for "The Hunger Games"

When you heard your name on the loud speaker, you thought of every possible thing you could've done. It was usually the attendance office asking you why you were absent 103 days ago and why didn't you turn in an excuse.

11. You were jealous when you saw someone with Tim Hortons

The thoughts "I should've woke up early and stopped at Tim Hortons" raced through your head.

12. Trying your locker combo at least once on your neighbors locker

South had a lot of lockers, and once in a while you got confused. You had a mini panic attack, but then you realize you were a locker off.

13. When you had to go to the bathroom in class and the teacher had to awkwardly stop teaching to fill out those pink passes for you

Did anyone actually check these? I literally don't remember anyone checking these passes.

14. Anderson's after school was the place to be

Definitely needed some ice cream after that tough day at school.

15. Snow days were rare, but you were grateful when you got one

South never gave out snow days like Oprah giving out free things, but when the superintendent did cancel school, it was like the gates of heaven opened up.

16. Briarhurst Park was the hang out spot

"Basketball at six at biarhurst."

17. Sports ruled the school

About 50 percent of the students were involved in sports. Remember when the football team went to Ralph Wilson Stadium two years in a row?

18. Also, the band and the musical theater ruled the school

The other 50 percent were involved with either the band or in the musical theater! South put on great musicals year, after year.

19. Someones name or picture would get messed up in the yearbook

There would always be a mess up with a picture or a student's name. There was usually someone put in a different grade than they were actually in.

20. Everyone loved the hallway parade during homecoming week because you got out of class

It killed some time off your class when you got to see the football players and cheerleaders march through the halls. It was actually pretty cool.

21. You thought the SIPS project was the hardest project

Now in college, you could've easily started and finished that project in one night. Back then it was the hardest project you thought you'd ever do.

22. Graduation in front of South was actually pretty cool

It's pretty unique having a graduation in front of your high school. It marked the end of our four years there; it was a great way to close that chapter in our lives.

Looking back, we all had a love/hate relationship with high school -- there were some awesome times, and other times we wanted to leave as fast as possible. Through the ups and downs, Williamsville South will always have a special place in our hearts.

We will always be Williamsville South Alumni.

Go Billies!

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