22 Reasons Why Southern California Is The Best
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22 Reasons Why Southern California Is The Best

Weather, beaches, people and 19 more reasons

22 Reasons Why Southern California Is The Best

I may be slightly biased seeing as I was born and raised in sunny southern California, but after almost a year has passed since I’ve last been back it has given me plenty of time to realize what I’ve missed about this magical place. Here is a short list of reasons why Southern California, from Riverside to San Diego to Los Angeles and everywhere in between, is simply the best.


Don’t like one beach? No worries keep driving along the coast and in about 10 minutes you’ll find another one. Don’t believe me? Google Maps it...Laguna Beach to Corona Del Mar? 13 minutes. Also, beach volleyball, beach soccer, Ruby’s on the Pier, fishing, surfing, and tanning can all be found in one sandy haven. ‘Nough said.


Not only do we have the beach, but we also have mountains, prairies, vineyards, deserts, etc. It is an all-in-one package deal!

3. The food

Oh, the food. From the fresh produce from Farmer’s Markets, to the best tacos you’ve ever tasted, to sinfully delicious cupcakes and other desserts the food is amazing. There’s practically a cultural representative of food everywhere you look. From Chinatown to Little Italy hands down, you’ll be able to find something that tastes like your childhood or heaven.

4. The fairs

LA County, San Diego County, Orange County Fair are summer staples. The crazy rides that look like portable death traps, music, FRIED FOOD, and human-sized stuffed animals. What more could you want?

5. L.A. smog

No it’s not cloudy, it's just the smog. OK. It may not be a favorite, but it is a staple.

6. Museums

Southern California is not filled with airheads; there are plenty of opportunities to experience culture. For example, the LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) is free for children under 17, and for all guest every second Tuesday of every month, plus L.A. County residents get free admission on certain days and times of the week. So with all that AND the wonderful with the art, views and food trucks across the street, why wouldn’t you go?

7. Weather (by the coast)

Average temperature of the warmest beach in Southern California (Laguna Beach)? Oh a scorching 74 degrees Fahrenheit. Don’t live right next to a beach? Drive about 30 minutes; you’ll probably get to one.

8. In-N-Out Burgersss

Cheap, delicious, and open late = the ultimate food trifecta. These hand-held edible pieces of happiness is perfect for post-football game celebration or consolation meals, beach meals, midnight snacks...really any occasion is the right one for these beautiful burger.

9. Traffic

Lol just kidding. Who likes sitting in one spot or crawling at 3 mph for 45 minutes? You didn’t have anywhere important to be, right? Remember how the phrase, “My computer just broke last night” was used to get you out of turning in your work (not that I EVER used that...)? Well, “Sorry, I was stuck in traffic” is used to explain why you’re 30 minutes late to an event, not that you got stuck watching Netflix or anything.

10. Rude people

It’s true, they are everywhere, from the people who have mad road rage, to people who expect you to be nice but never acknowledge your work. California can be a rough dog-eat-dog world.

11. Real people

Like any place/thing, where there is bad, there is also good. There are also amazing and genuine people. People who just want to live a happy and peaceful life. People who wake up at 5 am every day to work out or catch a quick surf session before work are probably some of the most peaceful and down-to-earth people there are.

12. Stuff of movies

Countless movies have used the naturally stunning beauty of Southern California as a backdrop, also we have Hollywood.

13. Venice/Santa Monica

Looking for a place that is filled with weird people, great food, medicinal marijuana, muscle beach, and everything in between? You’ve come to the right stretch of beach. Venice is popular for its eccentricity while its neighbor only 10 minutes away, Santa Monica is slightly more upscale with the pier and 5th Street Promenade (a strip of shopping stores).

14. Music is life

Enjoy staying current on all the new Indie bands or staying true to the classics? There is a niche for everyone here. Side note, three of the 12 House of Blues locations are in Southern California, just going to leave that there.

15. Diversity

Getting away from the picture of the typical group of valley girls, many friend groups are quite diverse. Cultures, experiences, and backgrounds make for an always interesting day and help shape a worldlier outlook than what many would initially expect.

16. California burritos/Carne asada fries

If you haven’t had either of these, you are missing out! A typical California burrito is filled with carne asada meat, guacamole, pica de gallo, and french fries. Yes, french fries. Excuse me while I salivate.

17. Strawberry stands with the best strawberries

These road-side stands carry the sweetest, freshest, and most wonderful crates of strawberries you’ll ever taste. You can buy by the basket or the crate. Just get the crate and share with friends...or don’t.

18. Our flag has a freaking bear on it

I don’t think I need to explain anything else here, because...well...it’s a bear.

19. DISNEYLAND/California Adventures

Disneyland during Halloween is spooky and childishly amazing and Disneyland during Christmas is magical and crowded, but then again, when is it not? Disneyland is an amazing place. No matter how old you are or for what occasion (Grad-night, birthday, family reunion, no reason, etc.) Disneyland is the best and most expensive gift you could ever bestow on anyone or yourself.


Because it deserves two spots on this and ANY list.

21. Too many songs to count have been written about Cali

Example: I am currently listening to a 7 hour and 3 minute long playlist of 112 songs all about California.

22. Sunsets

Indescribable shades and mixtures of purples, oranges, pinks, reds, and blues make for the most beautiful way for the sun to say goodnight. We’ve all counted down as the sun dips below the horizon on a beach day and use this moment as the perfect segue to starting the bonfire and breaking out the s'mores essentials.Perhaps the best part of the sunset, is getting to watch it with your best friends.

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