July. How is it July? How is it the MIDDLE of July? How is summer nearly over? We're finally half way to August, meaning it's almost time to head back to school. Up until this point summer has been flying but now, not so much. For some, summer is hardly summer because of online classes, summer sessions, work, internships- but ya know, it's still summer.
It's all fun and games but then it gets to a point when that mean 'ole summer slump finally hits. It's a drag.
Here's 22 reasons when you know you're in that summer slump as told by "Friends."
1. Everything seems to suck.
2. Your mom notices this slump and TRIES to comfort you...
3. You can't tolerate your colleagues anymore.
4. Only to soon realize you're going to miss some a whole lot.
5. Food shamefully becomes a main source of comfort.
6. But you really are over doing tedious intern ~b*tch~ work.
8. Your friend's are starting to have a lighter schedule but not you because... poor.
9. You tend to snap quicker than usual..
10. You're so sleep deprived you become delusional.
11. You weirdly contemplate downloading Tinder again.
12. Other people hit the slump and are pathetically sliding into your DMs and you hate that you love it.
13. You almost hate seeing people have fun via Snapchat.
14. But hey, when the weirdo at the bar hits on you, you go with it.
15. Then low-key admit to yourself you wish you had a summer romance.
16. But then you realize you would rather be punched in the face.
17. Missing school hits you harder because it's your favorite place.
18. Oh, but classes...
20. Then you realize you're screwed because of your tolerance.
21. The "I'm NOT crazy" feeling strolls on in.
22. But then ya remember that all slumps come to an end. Hallelujah!
Slumps happen but who cares, whatever. You're a rockstar. Stay golden. If Ross, Monica, Chandler, Joey, Rachel, and Phoebe-- even Gunther, can make it through, I can assure you that so can you.
It's called growing up, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Life is only going to get better, wilder, and most importantly, fun. Just let the good times roll.