Picking roommates can be stressful. After all, it’s basically online dating but worse because you’re beating around the question of, “Do you want to live with me?” Not to mention the expectations. A lot of people think that they’re roommate is going to be one of their best friends in college. Well, we are here to tell you that you’re right.
Here are a couple of reasons that Stephanie and I are perfect roommates:
1. Neither of us cares.
If the question ever arises, “Oh, do you think she would care?” 99% of the time, we wouldn’t.
2. We can do anything together.
Whether it’s going to grab something to eat or sitting in our room doing homework, we can do almost anything together and still have fun.
3. We help each other with assignments.
Whenever we don’t understand something, we can ask each other for help. Odds are, they won’t know it either, but it’s nice to know that someone cares.
4. We’re always there for each other.
If its 1 a.m. and one of us screams out something that we’re upset about, the other will turn around and make sure the other is okay.
5. We take Instagram-worthy pictures.
Whenever the camera breaks out, we are always ready to make each picture count.
6. We like a lot of the same things.
TV shows, clothes, school subjects… there’s little that we disagree on.
7. We can act strangely together.
When one of us walks into the room and the other is laying on the floor listening to screamo, there are really no questions asked.
8. We are always honest with each other.
“Hey, can you turn that down?”
“Can you be quieter in the morning?”
“Can you not say that?”
"Are you sure you want to wear that out?"
That’s all it takes.
9. We share our stuff.
It’s clothes, makeup, and toiletries… but mostly clothes.
10. We catcall each other for fun.
Nothing raises self-esteem like a good catcall between friends.
11. We always continue the song that the other is singing.
It definitely isn’t uncommon for someone to burst into song and when that happens, the other is obligated to pick up where the first left off. So far, we haven’t let each other down.
12. We understand the weird looks and side-glances.
Whenever we are unable to communicate verbally, we can always communicate through facial expressions and know exactly what the other is saying.
13. We already have codes for when we run into awkward social situations.
Despite the fact that we’ve only lived together for about two months, we already made up codes for all the awkward social situations that we will inevitably get ourselves into.
14. We understand when the other is busy and needs to study.
If someone walks in the room and the other is already elbow deep in homework, it’s nice to know that we can be left alone for a while to get what we need to get done.
15. We know when the other needs to go to the Student Center to procrastinate.
While we know when the other needs to study, we know exactly when the other needs to procrastinate. “Hey, you wanna get some food?”
16. We have the same taste in music.
This is good considering that one of us is always playing music in our communal showers.
17. We will stay up late just to chat.
When one of us has a whole day’s worth of stories to tell, the other will stay up just to hear them... even if she was just about to go to bed.
18. We are never selfish when it comes to money.
“Do you want to take an Uber?”
“No, it’s alright, I don’t want to pay for it.”
“Oh, it’s fine. I got this one.”
Here are a couple things that I love about Stephanie:
-She offers to let me borrow her clothes.
-She offers to do my hair and makeup.
And here are a couple things that I love about Elizabeth:
-Elizabeth gets me through heated times, making sure I stay leveled when needed.
-She is my shoulder to cry on and my best friend to laugh with.
Are you and your roommate(s) "roommate goals?"