Does your significant other really know you? Do you really know them? Being in a relationship, you typically figure out everything about your boyfriend/girlfriend. Quite often though do we forget to ask the little questions that are the most important. Below are a series of fun questions to get you and your significant other involved a little bit more in each others lives. For example, I have written down questions that I have asked my boyfriend, followed up with the answers he's given me.
1. What is my favorite color?
Pink...isn't that right?
2. What is my favorite animal?
A cat.
3. How do I take my coffee?
Milk...and sugar? I don't know...I know milk is in it.
4. If I could have any meal right now what would it be?
Chipotle steak bowl with brown rice, cheese, and lettuce with a side of guac and chips.
5. What is my favorite ice cream?
Cookies and cream, that's easy.
6. Milk, White, or Dark chocolate?
Dark chocolate.
7. If I could travel to one place where would I go?
8. Favorite Disney movie?
I don't know if you have ever told me before...uh..."Finding Nemo"?
9. How do I order a burger?
Lettuce wrap with cheese. Two patties. Depends on what mood you are in to order fries.
10. What is a nervous tick I have?
Twirling your hair.
11. Do I wear a watch or not?
No. You wear a Fitbit...that's not a watch.
12. What is your favorite memory of me?
Gah...I don't know...they're so many. Uhh...probably when we went to the beach together with your family.
13. If I could live anywhere, where would I live?
I mean...maybe Hawaii...I know you want to end up in New York, though.
14. What is my dream job?
To write for Buzzfeed.
15. What is my favorite candy?
Uhh, chocolate covered coffee beans...?
16. How many pets do I have? What are their names?
Three. Two cats and a dog...well four because you have a fish. Is a fish considered a pet? Princess, Daisy, Bane and Dwight. Are you really going to count the fish?
17. What is my favorite brand of clothing?
Gah. I thought I was doing well. Free People? Is that right? I'm going to laugh if that's right.
18. What is my "typical" everyday attire?
T-shirt, and if it's cold uh what are those called? Yoga pants. If it's warm Nike shorts and tennis shoes.
19. What is something I say a lot?
"A hot minute" and "it's so fluffy."
20. What is something I say a lot that annoys you?
"A hot minute" and "breathe!"
21. If I were to be stranded on an island, what three items would I bring?
Your phone, your cat Princess, and a Chipotle store.
22. How do you feel about me asking you all of these questions?
I feel great. Relieved. Confused. Happy I got them all right. (Which he didn't, but that's okay)