22Kill is a nonprofit organization founded for the sole purpose of raising awareness of the suicide epidemic in our country, namely our veterans. On average, 22 veterans commit suicide each day, due to brain disorders like post traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury. This is double to triple the amount of civilian suicides. Twenty-two veteran suicides daily means that more veterans have died by their own hands than in the wars of Iraq and Afghanistan combined. 22Kill believes the answer to stopping this is awareness. Thus, the organization has pushed (yes, pun intended) for a challenge in which participants complete 22 pushups daily for 22 days. However, the challenge doesn't really stop there. 22Kill also encourages participants to reach out to their local veterans to acknowledge what they may or may not be going through and to issue this challenge to your friends and family to spread the word. They even encourage that participants donate 22 USD to American Foundation for Suicide Awareness.
While 22 pushups isn't exactly a difficult task to complete, it shouldn't be viewed as a chore or simply just exercise. While it also serves the purpose of a short workout each day, it is important to remember why you are doing these pushups. These courageous men and women have fought for our country and may even be the reason why we've been able to safely enjoy our daily lifestyles. Twenty two pushups a day is 22 too many.
Personally, I'm already on day day, so I'm issuing this challenge to all my readers and fellow writers here at the Odyssey. I encourage you all to share your experiences and even reach out to your local veterans. Maybe, even donate. It feels good to be up and doing something about it, what little I can. Honestly, I needed an excuse to workout, and I'm really enjoying it. Whatever the reason, just remember why we do this. Go out there and complete your 22!