22 Lessons I've Learned By 22 | The Odyssey Online
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22 Lessons I've Learned By 22

You live and learn

22 Lessons I've Learned By 22
Nikoletta Kataxenos

I'm sitting here typing this and I can't believe that in exactly one week i'll be 22. Where did the time go? It feels like it was just yesterday when I turned 13. With getting older, there's a lot of growing. I've definitely learned more than just 22 things but I feel like these are the most important things I've learned in life so far.

1. Spend money on adventures, not materialistic things.

This will help you grow as an individual, make you more responsible and inspire you! Whether it's a big trip to Europe or a small road trip three states over, it's still a trip! You'll get the chance to meet new people, see new places & learn new things.

2. It's ok to stay in on the weekends.

It gets tiring going out all the time and expensive! Why not stay in with some sushi and wine, and a good movie on Netflix? Don't feel the need that you always have to go out so you don't miss out on anything.

3. Don't be afraid to say "NO" to something you don't want to do

For the longest time I felt so guilty every time I'd tell someone "no", but then when I didn't tell them "no" I started feeling stressed. So don't be afraid. Stand up for what you want!

4. Having morning and night routines is very important.

You'll feel less stressed and manage your time better!

5. Don't compare yourself to anyone

Don't compare yourself to others' success, talents, body image, etc. You are your own person. You have your own goals, your own body, your own talents; embrace them!

6. Sometimes losing "friends" from your life is for the better

Not everyone that comes into your life is for the best. People come and go, just as you live and learn. It's hard losing someone, but when one door shuts another one opens.

7. You really can't trust anyone, besides your mom.

People can be mean and unless you've know that person for a long time, you can't really trust them completely. Feel like you have to get things off your chest? Tell your mom or write it in your journal.

8. Don't gossip

There's nothing good about gossiping. It really tells more about who you are as a person and it's not attractive. Don't like someone or your heard something? Just keep it to yourself, it's none of your business.

9. Don't be afraid of trying new things and meeting new people

You must live this life, and by live I don't mean wake up, go to school or work, and go home. I mean sign up for that Zumba class you've been wanting to take, jump in the car and just drive to a new place, scratch "zip lining" off your bucket list. Don't be afraid, take the risk! You'll start feeling happier and more adventurous.

10. If it doesn't make you happy, just quit

Why keep working there if you hate it? Why keep majoring in that if it's just for the money? Just quit. No, that doesn't make you a quitter and don't worry what others have to say. Why major in nursing if you don't like it? You'll be miserable for the rest of your life.

11. Don't tell people your problems because they really don't care.

I know it hurts to hear, but most of the time people are happy to hear that you're having issues because it makes them feel better about themselves(how sad!) Write your problems and thoughts out, talk to a close relative, or a therapist. Just put your headphones in, listen to some good music and go for a walk. Take the time to breathe and focus on yourself and problems, and try and figure them out on your own.

12. Spend more time doing a hobby than being on your phone

I know that's hard since our generation is all about technology but think about it. You get home after school or work, spend time scrolling through your phone, and you realize 2 hours have gone by! You could have been so much more productive. Put your phone away and do what you love, whether it's painting, taking a class at the gym, crafting, photography...Whatever it is, make time for it.

13. Always be kind and smile

You'll feel better as a person!

14. The little things count the most

Hold the door for someone, say "I love you" more often, and eat that chocolate you've been craving.

15. Set goals and focus on them

They can be big or little! Make a list, and just focus on achieving those goals. Don't compare how fast or slow it may take you to achieve them, just take it day by day and work on them.

16. Don't care what people have to say about you

Who cares what he or she said about you? You know who you are and you know what's true and what's not. Don't waste your time hearing people's opinions about you because they don't matter.

17. Exercising and eating healthy isn't too bad

I used to hate exercising but now I see it as part of my lifestyle! 30 minutes a day dedicated to your health, mind, soul and body isn't too bad. Take care of yourself and nourish your body with clean fresh fruits and vegetables!

18. If you strongly believe in something, stand up for it!

Don't be afraid if others don't agree with you, if you believe it, stand up!

19. You grow most by getting out of your comfort zone

Trying new things and getting out of your usual every day routine will help you grow as a person and find more about yourself. So next time you're looking at plane tickets to Florida, just book the trip already!

20. It's ok to have a bad day once in a while

It's normal to have a bad day. A bad day doesn't mean a terrible life!

21. Anxiety is all in the mind

If you think happy, you'll be happy. Don't allow anxiety to control your life. Breathe in, focus, and you'll be ok. Take it day by day and eventually you'll find yourself feeling less anxious.

22. Be thankful every day.

You'll realize how blessed you are, and not take things for granted. Everything in life is a blessing, both good and bad.

Life is full of lessons, and I'm thankful for all the ones I've learned so far. I'm looking forward to "feeling 22" (Taylor Swift lyrics) and seeing what's yet to come.

Thanks for reading!

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