If you were born in 1990 or later, there's a pretty high chance that you have had or will have Taylor Swift's "22" played on your 22nd birthday. If you're into T-Swift, then this is a fun pop tune for your special day. But not only is it a necessary addition to your birthday playlist, it also gives you the perfect instructions on how to throw a Taylor-inspired 22nd birthday party. So, throw on some red lipstick and get out your notepad, as I outline the best 22nd birthday party you'll ever have.
Step 1: Attire
This is the perfect night to dress up like hipsters. **Note: 2012 hipster clothing ≠2018 hipster clothing.
Step 2: Dancing
Dancing is a critical part of your 22nd birthday, so put on your party shoes. You'll want to start the night in a crowded place, full of strangers just waiting to fall in love with you. Head out with your pals to the best dance club in town!
Step 3: Maybe it's too crowded...
The club is only fun for so long. Eventually, you'll get tired of all the "cool kids" in the club. Then, it's time to ditch the whole scene! Head home with your closest friends. And then the night is only just beginning...
Step 4: Food
This is the perfect night for breakfast at midnight. Whip up some pancakes, bacon, and eggs, and fill up those post-club stomachs.
Step 5: Games
Time for some activities! And the best one? Making fun of your exes. Anyone up for a pin-a-personality on your ex? Or charades - ex-edition? You'll probably feel happy, free, confused, and/or lonely, but hey, what else can you expect on your 22nd?
Step 6: Stay up all night.
Instead of sleeping, spend the night dreaming. Talk with your friends all night, and have so much fun that you forget about the deadline and the heartbreaks. It might be miserable, but it'll definitely be magical. Because hey, as long as you keep your friends next to you, everything will be alright.