The Cartoon Network Show "Adventure Time" is hilarious and at times a bit much for children, but endearing nonetheless. At rather unexpected moments, I've found this show to be a successful blend of amusing and unconventionally profound. As a result, below are 22 moments "Adventure Time" has taught me how to be an adult.
1. When you need a little self-confidence boost, remember:
Every now and then, in the midst of the crazy antics in the Land of Ooo, one of the characters drops a mega knowledge bomb like this one. And who knew an animated character could teach you a thing or two about self-confidence? I've started to train myself to look at my makeup-less face with the same admiration I do when my face is "beat."
2. When you're just the red-faced emoji at the people in your life:
Nothing says anger quite like a gender neutral descriptor such as "wads," right!? Finn has a point, though. Sometimes, the people you love just really grind your gears (but you still love them anyway). And sometimes, it's better to grumble bitterly to yourself than to lash out.
3. What?! (Sometimes bolded and italicized.)
Do you ever have one of those horrendously awful days where all you can say is "what!?" — sometimes followed by a "the" and an expletive? You are not alone. Finn relates. And I do, too. A little exclamation never hurt anyone. Kind of.
4. Where it counts.
In a world full of memes and controlling images, it's important to acknowledge that the most important beauty comes from within. This is one we've been taught since we were little, but don't forget to apply this to yourself. (Metaphorically speaking, of course. If you've ever looked at an image of a brain, it's kind of gross looking.)5. #word.
If you've read my previous article about gender-based violence, you know why this one is in the countdown. Jake describes my constant feels while scrolling through Facebook on an average day, and has given me a perfectly worded sentence to address it.6. After finals, you and your classmates are like...
When you leave that one final that you just feel like you truly knew nothing for... It's just one class. C's get degrees. Moving on.
7. My tombstone shall read:
But seriously, I genuinely hope that this is how the people in my life feel about me. Otherwise I've failed as a human being.
8. Comic-sans font aside, this is a good life lesson:
I know the font is cringe-worthy, but bear with me on this one. Especially when applied to the self, this is a good thing to remember: you can be a good person and make poor life decisions. Like staying up until 4 AM the night before your final... Or writing an 8-page paper the night before it's due... Or admitting to your professor that you didn't do any of the assigned reading for class that day (like, any of it). Just little things.
9. My newfound view on adulthood:
10. When you're not a morning person:
I actually have never felt so personally understood by a GIF in my entire life. Anyone close to me will tell you that this is an accurate representation of me before noon. This is probably the least appropriate response to the morning time hours but I still have at least ten more years to learn how to fake like the sunlight doesn't burn.11. Support your friends!
As you start trying this whole adult-ing thing, your friends and classmates are going to start exploring their goals and aspirations — support them! Encourage them, without letting them stumble too recklessly into disaster, and don't be a moocher. If your friend is a really talented hair stylist and you want a fresh 'do, pay them for it, without asking for "discounts" or "special rates." That's super lame, guys.
12. Close-minded people are gross.
If you go through life expecting everyone to think and act like you do, you're either very self-centered or very delusional. Neither are good things, so you might as well accept that everyone views life differently. Your way isn't always the right way, and that's okay. Honestly, I'm still learning this one... But I can admit to and be okay with being a work in progress.13. Abandon the plan, in favor of mental peace and clarity.
Being a college-aged person who is or is not necessarily in college is frankly really confusing. You're sort of definitely supposed to have your life together, but it's like totally cool if you don't. Uh, what? Right. I'm still trying to figure that one out, myself. But, in the meantime, don't let yourself get stressed if your plan isn't going according to plan. Didn't graduate from college on time? So what! You only wore real pants one day this week? That one day is still an accomplishment! World domination not going so well? Keep trying!
14. At work like:
I'm pretty sure that no one really wants to have to work for their money. It would be super rad if we could just kind of earn it, independently of a sometimes annoying 9-5. But, since that's not really an option at the moment, might as well fake it till you make it. Whenever I remember that my direct deposit hits every Friday, my enthusiasm becomes pretty genuine in next to no time, anyway.
15. #relatable.
During finals week, I stress ate so much, I really started to resent myself. Food is so expensive. Why did I need a whole box of donuts? Unsure. Why did I finish it in less than a week? Also unsure. On the plus side, I'm thanking my body for not quitting on me by eating better now. Still not eating the best, but back to that "work in progress" thing. Yes, that.
16. Censorship is hard.
Sometimes, you meet someone who embodies the answer to the proverbial question "how much of a complete tool can one person be?" And that answer will be "a lot." My favorite form of censorship is silence. If no words come out at all, you can't really offend anyone. Unless you have overtly offensive body language (i.e. a RBF). A bit of advice though: you either censor yourself or you don't — but prepare yourself for the consequences either way.
17. Own your ish.
18. The resurgence of the YOLO.
Kidding about the title on this one. While I don't agree with complete and total recklessness, cutting loose every now and then is good for you. Seriously! This article by The Huffington Post suggests that a little spontaneity is good for you. But some stuff like... rent and bill payments, you should probably take seriously. Maybe you could get, like, a cool haircut? Or skip class? I'm not a good risk-taker, actually. I either completely abandon my responsibilities or obsess over them. Friends, don't be like me. There is such a thing as a middle ground — find it!19. Coffee after 3 AM might not always be the best idea.
Unless, for some god awful reason, you have to be awake in the early hours of the morning, cut back on some of the caffeine! College aged people are most likely to suffer from anxiety and depression, and studies suggest an excess of caffeine actually worsens your already shot nerves. When possible, skip out on the coffee and just go to bed. Whatever you procrastinated about doing can totes wait another night.
20. Love. Yourself.
The Biebs had the right idea with this one. Notice how I put this in here twice? So many of my friends and classmates are so intensely stressed out about the prospect that they are responsible for all of their life decisions that they feel like they can't cope. Love yourself enough to forgive yourself. Love yourself enough to have a strong support system. Love yourself enough to remember to let go of all the things beyond your control. But don't forget how amazingly awesome you are. Love yourself for that, too. Your family raised a legend, dude.
21. Wanna practice #20? Take a nap.
Just do it. For more information on the lovely art of napping, make sure to check out this link. Napping for like four hours probably is not recommended but, like, I'm doing fine.22. Don't let Avril Lavigne steal your sunshine.
There's nothing wrong with being a bit different than everyone else. Besides, how else would you describe adulthood besides "complicated?"So there you have it. Despite being a children's show on Cartoon Network, "Adventure Time" definitely nailed it on the adulthood thing. Thanks, "Adventure Time"!