Happy 21st Birthday!! I realized I can always find you a plain, old card that was written already. Instead, why not give you one which every point means something to me about you! You are the best and all 21 reasons shown below stand true 24/7.
1. You Are The Best
Like I said maybe 1000 times by now, YOU ARE THE BEST! Even when you think you have not done the best you can or think less of yourself, just know in my eyes, you are always number one.
2. Don't Ever Change
There's a reason you are you and not anyone else. Stay true to yourself. I fell for who you really are, not some show you put on. Don't ever let anyone say you are not enough because boy, oh boy, they just don't know the amazing you.
3. Keep On Cheesing
Do NOT ever stop smiling. You are way too cute to not smile. Smiling looks great on you, especially with those pearly whites! Don't forget to say cheese!
4. You Deserve Everything
You deserve the world. Everything you ever wanted, I hope you get. You give so much to the world around you, and one day it will all come back to thank you.
5. You Are Very Caring
I have never met someone who cares so much about other people's feelings and actually takes them into consideration. You base your actions based on how you know other people will respond to what you do. You do not like to hurt anyone, and always put people before you. You care a lot, and that is a quality I love about you.
6. You Are Perfect
Your laugh, smile, personality, the way you look, I can go on forever, it is all perfect. No flaws. I know you can't see what I see, but trust me on this.
7. Always Looking Out For Others
Whether it's me, your friends, or your family, you do you very best in every situation to protect the people you care most about. I feel like I have my own personal bodyguard. I love it.
8. Stay Genuine
When I first met you, I had a feeling. Something about you was different than most people. You are real. You are genuine. I never have to worry about you being someone you are not. The person you are is amazing.
9. You Are My Everything
Did I ever tell you that you mean the world to me? I think I only said it maybe a thousand times now, but I will keep on saying it. I only speak the truth, and the truth is you are my everything.
10. Never Stop Communicating
Don't ever think you can't tell me something. I am always here for you, no matter the time of day. I will always listen to what you have to say without judgement. My ears are open 24/7.
11. You Are A Comedian
Whether its us uncontrollably laughing or just smiling at each other, I can never stop laughing when I am with you. I love seeing your pearly whites and when you can't help to just laugh. You are a real jokester and I couldn't ask for anything better.
12. You Are Empathetic

You always got my back and taking care of me when I am feeling under the weather. I will never forget when you dropped what you had to do, came over, rubbed my tummy, got me a wet rag, and helped me study, all because I wasn't feeling well.
13. You Are A Great Cook

Even when I had classes until late at night or had to study all day, you always made me or bought me food. I know you make killer pasta and eggs! Let's see you cook up some chicken next time!
14. You Are Fun
We are always doing something. We go on many dates whether it is ice-skating, restaurants, trampoline jumping, or just being adventurous on our own, you know how to have fun. It is never a dull moment with you.
15. You Are Mature
You are now 21 and legally that is seen as "maturity." However, when I met you, you presented yourself as very grown up and showed me you have goals in life. It is your birthday, so of course your wishes will come true!
16. You Show Me Love
You showed me how to love myself and love you without putting up defense walls. You showed me love is easy, natural, and what love really means.
17. Always Act Like A Child
Don't ever stop acting like you are 5 years old. You know when it is time to be serious, and time when you can act like a silly goose. For example, when we acted more childish than the children on the playground. Doing both is a talent and a unique skill you have.
18. You Are Trustworthy
I can trust you with my life. Anything I want to tell you, I know I can count on you for keeping our business between us. What I love about you is that you do not lie. I trust you.
19. Stay Strong
Yes, we all know you are physically strong :) but don't forget to stay emotionally strong. You can get past whatever conflict creeps up on you. You are the one person I know who can handle it like a beast.
20. You Are Home
At the end of each day, I know where I want to come back to and that is home. You are home. You are my home. You give me everything I need each and every day, and make me feel safe like no burglars can come in.
21. Thank You
Thank you for everything. You have gave me the world. You are everything I always wanted and wished for. Now, it is time for you to blow out the candles and make your own wishes. They will all come true because it is a very special birthday for an extremely special person. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! The video is worth a watch! Click here please.
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