Lander University is a small college located in Greenwood, South Carolina. Greenwood is a fairly small town so it's only fitting Lander's campus is the heart of this town. Lander draws students in from all walks of life, and once you are a Lander student you will never be the same. Here are some things all Lander students experience
1. Family atmosphere
One thing that really drew me to Lander was the fact that all the students said Lander is just one big happy family. They were exactly right. You see the same faces every day, and before you know it, you do feel like you're a part of this family. Now, that does not mean that we are not one of the most functional dysfunctional family out there.
2. Construction
Just the thought of the word is enough to make an Lander student groan. Lander's campus was already stunning but it did need a little TLC. Lander's campus was a construction zone for most of the 2015-2016 school year, which lead you to have to walk way out of the way to get to class. To put it in perspective: if you had an 8 am you knew to head to class around 735 in order to make it to class on time and avoid construction workers.
3. Angela Fullbright emails
Even though Lander is a small campus with only about 3000-4000 students, we lose a lot of stuff. I'm being completely serious. We lose anything: car keys, student ids, calculators, book bags... you name it, we have lost it. The lovely Angela Fullbright notifies us of this via email to be on the lookout, just hope you're in a spot where the wifi is working.
4. The caf and Ms. Sadie
The caf is the go to spot for food if you do not want to spend your Bearcat Bucks at Which Wich or Burger Studio. Although we may all stand divided on the quality of the food ( I am impressed most days, shoutout to the pasta bar and wing nights), you can always count on one thing: Ms. Sadie. Ms. Sadie scans your ID as you walk in and always seems to know every student on a personal level. Her personality lights up the room, and you can always count on her to sing "happy birthday" at least 3 times a week. The Lander dining experience would not be the same without her.
5. The steps in the LC and by the Science Building
The LC is the building where you will take most gen eds, it conveniently located across from the library, and is used as a pass through for a lot of students. However, the steps in this building are the most narrow and steep steps I have encountered. You will build some solid calve muscles after using them every day.. (and you will fall at least once).
Can't forget about the awkward steps by the Science Building. The ones where you actually have to take three huge steps to even get across one actual steps. When it is raining, I affectionately call these Lake Lander due to the fact all the rain water likes to rush down the right side in the form of a lake.
6. The pool hours
So the pool hours are a little odd. You'll pass the pool every single day, and during the school year, it will probably only be open about 3 weeks all together. (i said we were dysfunctional)
7. The Wildlife
Although our mascot is the "bearcat" you won't see one running around campus. However do not be surprised to see a stray fox or snake. You will get used to it.
8. YikYak
All the Lander gossip and rants can be found on YikYak. Let's be honest, we are all guilty of checking it when we are bored.
9. ITS downtime
Okay, so Lander dropped one of it's wifi networks this semester, and ITS scheduled about 5 down times during that. Although these times are always at the most inconvenient times, they are needed. ITS provides us with free help for any of our electronic difficulties, so I am thankful for them. Even if their down times are annoying.
10. President Cosentino
President Cosentino's inauguration was a pretty big deal for Lander's campus. Classes were canceled during this time, and Lander University started a new era. President Cosentino is changing a lot of things on Lander's campus. He is a sweet man, and it is not uncommon for him to buy a student Starbucks if they are behind him in line. He really cares about Lander students and staff.
11. The Bearcat
We are the Bearcats. Our mascot that you will see at athletic events is quite cute and approachable. However, an actual bearcat not so much. It looks like you've had the flu for a week and are also in the middle of studying for finals. Maybe we can change our mascot to the Panda's... to bad we are not located in Atlanta.
12. Holiday festivities
Lander is basically one big family, as I mentioned earlier. So it is no surprise that we have tons of holiday festivities, including Thanksgiving dinners, Christmas tree lighting, scary movie showings, and even Easter egg hunts. We may be in college, but we are never too old to celebrate the holidays.
13. The mysterious train
My freshman year I stayed in Centennial hall, also called Cen10. And every night, I would hear a train... if you are or were a Lander student, you know about the train. This train would be heard every single night especially at Cen10, however nobody has ever actually seen a train on the train tracks.... you get used to it.
14. The fountains
Along with the new construction came fountains. You will see two from the road at Lander's main entrance, another with a light show by the Horne Arena building, and also one more in the newly constructed plaza. We just really like fountains (especially when they are working)
15. Professors
All of Lander's class sizes are pretty small. The professors do care about the students, and 90% of the time will do anything they can to help their students. If you need anything, you can always go to a Lander professor and they will do anything they can to help.
16. Starbucks
Starbucks is right beside the library. You can run in and grab something before class, and when you are cramming for exams it is your saving grace. Just save your Bearcat Bucks in order to use them there... if you still have them by midterms (go you)!
17. Severe Weather
Lander will notify you of any severe weather.... during severe weather. And if it is flooding, snowing, or sleeting, you better brave the storm and go to class. Most of the time classes will not be canceled until the last minute.
18. Friendships
Along with this family atmosphere comes with lifelong friendships. I met my best friend at Lander, who actually went to high school 20 minutes away from me. If it was not for Lander, I would of missed out on a wonderful person. Lander gives you the chance to meet people from all walks of life, majors, and countries.
19. World changers
Lander University staff and students are changing the world. You may not think that a small school in Greenwood, South Carolina would be a big deal but it is. We have one of the best nursing programs in the state, not to mention our education and PEES programs. It starts in the classrooms, and those late night study sessions in the library or your dorm. L who.... LU!!
20. Athletics
Although we do not have a football team (hint hint President C), we have outstanding volleyball, basketball, soccer, and baseball teams. Lander is beaming with athletic talent, and we are all proud to be a part of Bearcat nation.
21. The Snapchat geotag
We were all pretty stoked when we all noticed that Snapchat had added "Lander University" as a geotag. We definitely thought we had moved on up in the world. Plus, Greenwood now has 2 geotags to choose from. Life is great in that department.
So there you have it, 21 things that everyone will experience as a Lander student. You may leave Lander, but Lander will never leave you. It will always be in your heart, and you will bleed yellow and blue. Once a Bearcat, always a Bearcat.