Life is universally overwhelming, and sometimes it can seem as if everything is too much to handle. Things don’t always go as planned, and even if you feel like you’re weighted down by a growing list of things to do and problems to solve, it’s worth it to take a quick break and refocus. Here are 21 things to do when you’re stressed out and need a quick break to calm down.
1. Bake brownies
An episode of Friends or The Office can be a quick distraction from reality.
3. Snuggle with a pet
It doesn’t even have to be a good picture – just paint for the sake of painting.
5. Make a playlist of your favorite songs
Then you’ll have something to listen to next time you feel stressed.
6. Drink a cup of tea or hot chocolate
Fact: warm beverages have magical healing powers.
7. Read a chapter from a book you love
Or more than a chapter. Or the whole book – no judgment.
8. Look at old photos
It’s a great opportunity to remember a time when you were small, surrounded by people you love, and significantly less stressed out.
9. Take a long shower
Is it really a waste of water if it makes you feel so much better?
10. Go out and buy your favorite food
Even if it’s unhealthy it’s still good for your stress levels, so it all balances out here.
11. Watch a movie that makes you smile
Movies from childhood are a great choice.
12. Unapologetically spend an hour on Pinterest
There aren’t technically any studies that say that Pinterest automatically improves your mood, but I am positive that it’s true and you’ll just have to take my word for it.
13. Organize your closet
clothes you don’t wear anymore when you’re done.
14. Call someone from home just to chat
Your friends and family back home are probably dying to hear from you anyway.
15. Assign funny contact photos to all of your friends
Every time one of them calls you, you’ll get to see the picture and your day will instantly be a little bit better.
16. Clean out your inbox
If you feel like you need to be productive, this is surprisingly relaxing while listening to music.
17. Make a list of meals you want to cook
It’s irrelevant whether or not you actually CAN cook them – making the list is the fun part.
18. Take a quick walk
Everyone says it, but getting fresh air outside really does help combat stress.
19. Get in your PJ’s and take a nap
Proven to be the most relaxing and cozy way to take a break.
20. Make a travel bucket list
Write down all the cities you want to go to someday with a list of activities you have to do and foods you need to try.
21. Commiserate with a friend
You’re probably not the only one who’s stressed out, and talking to someone else about the problem can make you feel better about it.