While everyone is out running from store to store buying sappy cards, giant boxes of heart-shaped diabetes and over-priced bouquets of allergies, us far-from-serious lovers are scrolling through Pinterest to find the best printable Valentines for our mold-breaking significant others.
Now, there are a lot of directions you can go with Valentines. You can find cheesy ones, nerdy ones, borderline-inappropriate ones... but, breaking out of the bonds of categories, here are some of my favorite valentines of 2016 for all the weirdo couples out there, as told by Pinterest.
1. For the lovers who are dead inside:
Not everyone has a bleeding heart. Some of us have a stone cold dead one instead.
2. When you love someone almost as much as you love Potter:
3. For the passive-aggressive couple:
If she still loves you after this card, it's meant to last.
4. For the painfully awkward admirer:
5. For those browsing their options:
See, I can be punny, too.
6. If you're dating a nursing major:
7. For the admirer you might need to call the cops on:
But seriously, if you get this card, run. Fast. Now.
8. For the English major couple:
9. For those who always need to be right:
9. For the Bio couple:
10. If you found the one person on earth you don't hate:
11. For... umm... "those"... couples...
12. For the TBH girls:
13. For the non-plastics:
14. For the loving dead:
If you're trying to make him cry...
15. For the math majors:
16. For the secret lovers:
17. For Kanye:
18. For Leo:
19. For the history majors:
20. For the poli-sci couple:
21. And finally, one that works for all of us:
So, for all you weirdos out there, Happy Valentine's Day (and seriously, if someone gives you #7, run.)