21 Tokens of Friendship You and Your BFF Need | The Odyssey Online
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21 Tokens of Friendship You and Your BFF Need

21 Tokens of Friendship You and Your BFF Need
Abbie Mae Photography

In my experience, one of the best parts about being a kid was having matching friendship items with my BFFs. Whether it was a necklace, a keychain, or even matching backpacks, it was always a fun and meaningful way to show just how much you love each other. I’m not sure when exactly it became uncool to sport these tacky little treasures, but I think that cheesily displaying your friendship through matching jewelry and other random merch is one of the best ways to say “I love you”. If there’s one thing you and your bestie need to do in the near future, it's to go out and get yourselves one of these awesomely gaudy tokens of friendship. Just remember: you’re never too old for goofy BFF shenanigans.

1. "We’re the Three Best Friends That Anyone Could Have" Bottle Openers

For the besties you refer to as your wolf pack.

2. Milk And Cookies Friendship Necklace

For the person who is the milk to your cookie. Or the person who will go to the grocery store at 11PM because you forgot to buy milk for the cookies.

3. Pizza Slice Friendship Necklace

For the BFFs with whom you have shared many slices.

4. Cotton Candy Best Friend Necklaces

For that BFF that’s just too sweet for words.

5. Starbucks Frappuccino Friendship Charms

For the ones you love a latte.

6. Fruit Loop And Milk Friendship Necklaces

For the one you tend to get a little loopy with.

7. PB & Nutella Best Friend Necklaces

For the one with whom you’d share your last bit of nutella.

8. S'more BFF Friendship Necklaces

For the friend you always want s’more of.

9. Macaroni And Cheese Friendship Necklaces

For the friends you tend to be a little cheesy with.

10. Handcuff Partners In Crime Bracelets

For the BFF you know would be there to post bail for you (just in case the shenanigans get out of hand).

11. Sam and Frodo Hobbit Door Locket Necklaces

For the one you can totally nerd out with.

12. "Grey’s Anatomy" Friendship Necklace

For the Christina to your Meredith.

13. Zombie Virus and Antidote Friendship Set

For your zombie apocalypse partner.

14. Thelma and Louise Friendship Necklaces

For the BFF you’d drive off a cliff with.

15. DNA and RNA Friendship Necklace Set

For that friend who you are positive is your sister from another mister.

16. "Game of Thrones" Jewelry Dragon Egg Friendship Pendant

For the friend with whom you'd face an army of white walkers.

17. Golden Snitch Harry Potter Matching Friendship Necklaces

For the friend you’d never snitch on.

18. Best Friend Waffle Necklaces

For the BFF you love a waffle lot.

19. Barbie Parts Friendship Necklace

For your breast friend forever.

20. Interlocking Lego Ring Set

For the one whose friendship you'll never step on.

21. Pivot Gold Bar Necklace "Friends" T.V. Show

For the BFFL you’d drink the fat for.

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