A few days ago, I had my 21st birthday. I've never been the type of person to go wild and crazy. I would rather curl up with a book or Netflix on a Saturday night than find some sort of frat kegger. Part of me wanted to keep it a secret and not really do anything extreme. Then it somehow came up in conversation, and plans with the people I was with immediately changed. So, here's 21 thoughts I had when I turned 21
1) I don't feel any different.
2) What will I drink?
3) Is it wrong that I just want water?
4) Wait, I don't even like beer.
5) People realize I was just in England, right?
8) Introverts + dance club = bad mix
9) Is it just me, or has the DJ just been playing songs about drinking?
10) Dude, I'm not even drinking anymore.
11) People get really, really excited when you turn 21...
12) I'm too poor to be 21.
13) I don't have my life together enough to be 21.
14) Okay, I would much rather be in my PJs right now.
15) Is there something on Netlfix where it's just a glass of wine in front of you? Then I can pretend I'm drinking.
16) At least club owners are nice when they know it's your birthday.
17) Oh my gosh, did the DJ really have to announce that it's my birthday?
18) People at bars get immature.
19) There are so many people here.
20) Wait, I'm 21 now.
21) Welp, now I don't have exciting birthdays birthdays anymore.
I know I may not have had the most run-of-the-mill experience for my birthday (we were the only people in the bar for a solid 20 minutes), I know that part of it was my personality that stood in the way. Know that when it's your "time to shine" you can make it what you want. And keep in mind that just because you can drink, doesn't mean you have to drink. There's no law saying that you have to get drunk on your 21st birthday (I didn't even get tipsy). As my favorite saying goes: You do you.