It's no secret that being a Night Host has a lot of responsibilities. For those who don't know what a Night Host is, it is the student that checks residents into their residence halls past a certain hour. Sounds easy, right? Well, there is more to it. As a Night Host, you are officially part of the campus security team. You do rounds around the building, checking each bathroom for sick people (especially on weekends), checking all the exterior doors to make sure they are secure, and checking the hallways to make sure residents are observing the quiet hours.
Despite being in charge of the building, no Night Host actually wants to get anyone in trouble. What goes through our heads is much, much different.
Here is what a typical weekend night consists of:
1. The "I can stay awake tonight, no problem" at the start of the shift.
2. When someone comes in, just smiles at you, and tries to walk by
3. The overwhelming feeling when drunk residents are yelling over you
4. Checking the bathrooms and walking in on a guy with the stall door open
5. Smelling an overwhelming amount of weed coming from one room
6. "They don't live here, but we'll only be a second. Can we just run to our room?"
7. The face of an intoxicated person when you show up at their door and ask if there is alcohol in here
8. Or their face when you ask a room to quiet down after having several noise complaints
9. Someone banging on the door to get let in despite not living in the residence hall
10. Heading off to figure out what that loud bang is, just to find someone like this
11. When the caffeine wears off
12. Drunk friend groups coming in, roasting each other
13. And then the quiet friend chimes in and roasts them all
14. "Why do I need to sign in? Don't you know who I am?"
15.Students coming back after studying at the library all night
16. Halfway through the night got you like
17. Finding a bathroom trashed
18. Waking up the RA on duty to deal with a situation
19. "Aren't you tired?"
20. Doing your last round through the building
21. Then, finally getting to go to bed
Nonetheless, working as a Night Host can also be a blast. I've met residents I may have never crossed paths with if I hadn't done this job. Not to forget, I get to wear pajamas to work, so that's pretty neat.
Just don't give your Night Host a hard time - they get paid to make sure you don't die.