My 21st birthday is a mere seven days away and while I'm excited, (don't get me wrong I'm definitely excited), it's something that just doesn't seem real. Up until your 21st birthday, it seems like the world puts you in an awkward sort of an adult, but not really an adult stage. Then you turn 21 and all of a sudden you're expected to be a real adult... whatever that means.
I started thinking about everything that I should probably know by now in order to be an "adultier adult" at the ripe age of 21. While I've mastered some of these I'll be the first to admit I'm still far from being an actual functioning adult, sorry mom.
That being said, here are 21 things you should probably know by the time you turn 21:
1. How to do your laundry.
While I've managed to do my own laundry without completely ruining anything yet, I've yet to master the whole, "don't wait until you have no clothes left" thing.
Also, thank God for Tide Pods.
2. Save money.
Remember when I said I wasn't quite a functioning adult yet?
I may only have $15 to my name, but I needed those shoes.
3. Properly shake a hand.
Fist bumping your new boss after an interview may sound like a good idea but I promise, it's not.
4. Write a good resume.
After all, your resume is the first impression a potential future employer gets of you.
5. Change a tire.
6. Jump start a car.
Save yourself the trouble, avoid setting yourself up for the stereotypical horror movie scene as you're stranded on the side of the road.
7. Cook.
You don't have to be a master chef but you should probably expand your horizons past Ramen Noodles and Easy Mac.
8. Clean.
No, those dishes won't just magically disappear on their own. You do in fact have to wash them.
9. Parallel park.
It sucks, it's annoying, it's impossible but it's so necessary if you want to park even remotely close to where you're trying to go.
10. Follow direction, without a GPS.
There's nothing like being an hour from home with no cell service to make you really wish you knew how to follow highway signs.
11. Give directions.
While I don't recommend that anyone asks me for directions, ever, it's good to be able to explain where things are using actual street names.
12. Navigate the grocery store effectively.
Just because something is on sale does not mean you need it.
13. Follow a healthy sleep schedule.
Your body will thank you for not staying up all night every night.
14. Work out consistently.
Again, your body will thank you.
15. Vote
I cannot stress the importance of this, especially in this upcoming election.
Please, please, please vote.
16. Come to terms with being single.
Your 20's are the awkward stage where some of your friends are getting engaged and some of them couldn't even imagine going on a date, and that's okay!
Learn to be okay being on your own, you'll be much happier once you find that person.
17. Never settle.
Being single gets boring and it's hard to not want someone to be the next #relationshipgoals with, but never settle for someone who treats you like crap. The same goes for friendships, jobs, etc.
Do not give up your self respect for temporary happiness.
18. Be confident in who you are.
Who cares if people judge you? Do what makes youhappy, regardless of what other people think.
.. As long as it's legal, obviously.
19. Prioritize.
Trust me, procrastinating could be my full time job-- but you will always regret putting things off until the last minute.
20. Know how to spot a fake friend.
Life is too short to waste your time on people who are only there for you when it's convenient for them.
21. Family comes first.
At the end of the day, your family will always be there for you. They won't judge you for not being a fully functional adult yet, and for that you should thank them.
Let's be real, no one really has their life together at 21, but hey at least we're trying.