In light of my 21st birthday, I’ve been pondering the things I’ve learned during my last 2 decades on Earth, and how all of that information has impacted me as a person. I’m young, obviously still naïve, but it took a lot to get to where I am and I know I still have so much to learn. But as a 21 year old, I like to think I’ve gained some important nuggets of wisdom I think everyone should learn by 21, and I’m here today to share them all with you.
1. You’re not always going to get what you want, so you need to appreciate what you get.
2. Sometimes you won’t have a shoulder to lean on.
3. People will screw you over and unfortunately there’s nothing you can do about it.
4. Save all your change.
5. People will tell you not to trust so easily, but giving trust means you have hope in humanity and that’s something you should never let go of.
6. Do what makes you happy, no matter what anyone says, because years from now you’ll be happy you can say “oh well” rather than “what if.”
7. It’s okay to have an unpopular opinion. Just because something is popular doesn’t mean it’s right.
8. Don’t settle on anything, be it friends, relationships, or careers. Only accept what you know you deserve.
9. If you bite off more than you chew, just spit it out.
10. Love fiercely. You don’t want to regret not showing people how much you love them before it’s too late. So love with your whole heart.
11. Learn to forgive without getting an apology.
12. If you haven’t used it in years, you probably don’t need it. Throw it out or give it away.
13. You’re worth so much more than anyone could ever tell you.
14. Not everyone is going to think like you. Learn to accept different opinions and respect everyone.
15. Revenge is never the answer. Kill them with kindness.
16. Find a hobby you love, because sometimes you’ll need a healthy escape.
17. Don’t ever, EVER, let someone tell you that how you’re feeling is wrong. No one can tell you how to feel.
18. Don’t do something just to make you look like a good person. Do something because it’s the right thing to do and it makes you feel good.
19. Do the right thing, even when no one is watching. Everyone can notice a truly good person.
20. You will feel vulnerable.
21. This is only the beginning, cherish every moment of every day.
Life isn’t easy, and you learn something new every day. But if my 21 years of life taught me anything, it’s that good advice is hard to come by, and even harder to follow. So keep this list in mind when things seem too much to handle. You have your whole life to live, so live it right.