Summer. The vacation every college kid anxiously awaits. The typical routine of throwing clothes in bags and rushing home to just sit on the couch and watch TV. Well, I am here to tell you that you should not do that. I am all for kicking back and relaxing, but its time to try something new and step outside of your comfort zone.
Instead of sitting and watching Netflix, which we all know you have done in your free time this past semester check out this list of activities to do over summer break.
1. Go to a museum
I was never one of those people who enjoyed looking at art, and I really haven't changed since being in college. Going sightseeing even in your own hometown is a nice change who knows you may stumble across an exhibit that will travel the world someday.
2. Listen to music
I get tired of listening to the same five songs played on the radio. Check out a new artist or genre of music. There is nothing wrong with listening to some 70s and 80s music in 2018.
3. Go to a concert
Many artists tour over the summer because they know they will have a better attendance with students off of school and traveling around the world. Go on Ticketmaster or StubHub and see who is performing around you.
4. Watch the sunset or sunrise
Sure, everyone loves to sleep in and stay in bed for as long as possible, but make an effort to set your alarm for a little earlier than usual and grab a cup of coffee and watch the sunrise at the beach.
5. Do yoga
Meditation is something that people argue over if it is beneficial for your mind and body or not. Take a yoga class or even watch a YouTube video on yoga poses and try them in the comfort of your own home.
6. Spend time with your pets
Being away at school makes it hard especially when you have had such a close bond with your pets. Give them some extra TLC while you are home over break. They will love it and so will you!
7. Go for a walk or bike ride
90-degree weather should not stop you. Get active and enjoy the sun beating down on you while you bike or walk around town.
8. Go camping
Grab some friends and pack up your car and pitch a tent a few hours away from home. It is almost as if you are back at college except you are roasting marshmallows instead of cramming for exams.
9. Have a bonfire
Convince that one friend you have that lives on or close to the water with a fire pit in their backyard to throw a little party around a bonfire.
10. Have a picnic
Pack a basket full of delicious foods and stop by a local park with friends or family and spend the afternoon being one with nature and laying in the grass.
11. Learn how to cook or bake
All those Tasty Facebook videos you save or re-post on your profile are not going to get made on their own am I right?
12. Spend time with friends and family
Whether you are a plane ride away from home or not your family misses you. You have been consumed with schoolwork and haven't had a free chance to talk about anything other than what grades you are hoping to get. Take a deep breath and talk about something you all can relate to instead of the Art History class that you are hoping you end up passing.
13. Meet new people
Go out and be social! Need I say more?
14. Pet-sit or dog-walk
People leave town over the summer and end up in the dilemma of what to do with their pets. Offer to walk them or help out in any way it will benefit your neighbors as well as have you pick up some cash on the side while playing with their furry friends.
15. Start a bucket list
50 things to do before you turn 50, things to do before you graduate college, 12 things to do before getting a job. You may stare at the words for a little, but I promise you will enjoy looking back at it years from now.
16. Craft
Now seems like a good time to look through the saved items on Pinterest and see if you want to move forward with any of them with your free time.
17. Play a board game
This may seem silly, but plan a night with friends or family and play board games. It is way better than just sitting in silence in front of the television.
18. Sit outside and listen to nature
Grab a book and sit outside and enjoy the sounds of nature. It is soothing and a great place to sort out your feelings and thoughts.
19. Journal
I'm sure you've seen the "bullet journals" and the people who have them seem to have their lives organized. Buy a cheap journal at Target or Michaels and write down your dreams or thoughts throughout your break and reflect on them.
20. Work out
Now is the best time to get the body you have always dreamed of. Start a workout plan. You have free time to check out some classes your local gym or workout studios offer.
21. Go swimming
Did I mention it is summer also known as the prime time to soak up some rays. Kick back and relax at the beach or pool!