There are many positives to being short (you can wear heels and never feel too tall), but there are also a few negatives (people often use you as an arm rest). Let's explore both sides of this tiny coin so we can fully appreciate the small things in life.
1. You've seen shock on a person's face when you tell them how old you are.
They probably thought you were five to 10 years younger than you actually are.
2. You use makeup to try to look older.
Sometimes it works.
3. Piggyback rides weren't left behind in your childhood.
Sorry* tall friends.
*Not sorry.
4. Con of cars: You have to significantly move the driver's seat anytime someone else drives before you.
It's exhausting, and the seat never feels the same again.
5. Pro of cars: You have lots of leg room.
Yeah, you can keep moving your chair back. No, you haven't hit my legs yet.
6. You've been lifted up, leaned on, and thrown more times than you'd like.
I don't toss babies around because they're small, so why are you throwing me?
7. When taking a picture, you arrange your friends so that you aren't standing next to a tall person.
Even a Kardashian feels the struggle.
8. Your feet don't touch the ground when sitting in a chair.
Or your back doesn't touch the chair. You can never have both.
9. You have to tell people to slow down when walking beside them.
Your legs just aren't as long as theirs.
10. There's a world of things that are too high for you to reach.
This is what those piggyback rides are for.
11. You get hand-me-downs from your younger siblings.
If you're poor like me, you just accept their style as your own.
12. You wonder if it takes a lot of time and effort to shave legs that are long.
I don't know, maybe this one is just me.
13. You struggle to be taken seriously.
I'm angry! Stop calling me cute and pinching my cheeks!
14. You often hear, "Wow, have you gotten shorter?"
Wow, have you gotten ruder?
15. People have also asked you if you forgot to drink your milk or eat your greens as a youngster.
Just stop. Shut your face hole.
16. You choose between buying children's clothes or spending money on tailoring.
The kid's clothes are less expensive, but is it worth having "Justice" branding your closet?
17. You never win a wrestling match with your siblings.
There's a lot of them to tackle, and not a lot of you to do that.
18. You'll go to a concert and never see the artist.
Forever rocking out to the backs of your heads.
19. Meeting people for the first time isn't always pleasant.
20. Having so many questions about what it's like living tall.
What's it like looking someone eye-to-eye when you're talking? How's it feel to see over someone's head?
21. But you love being short.
It can be a struggle, but it's what makes you you.