When you're little, your parents mean everything to you. They're the people that know you the best. They're also your biggest fan and your role model. As you get older and into those teenage years they quickly become the worst, always in your hair, grounding you for stupid reasons, getting mad over stuff that "isn't" that big of a deal, right?
But now that you're in college you're smart enough to know that truthfully, no matter how old you were, they were always right. As much as it hurts to admit it, parents know us better than we know ourselves and the only explanation is that it's because they've been in our shoes before.
Here's 21 things your parents were right about.
1. "Bring a jacket."
I know you're too cool to admit it, but your face is purple and your nose has an icicle coming out of it so you might want to listen to your mom next time.
2. That friend you adored until they stabbed you in the back.
Mom and Dad always knew about them.
3. That boyfriend they didn't like.
Who ended up cheating on you.
4. That girlfriend they didn't like.
Because she went crazy.
5. That you should always buy more everyday clothes rather than trendy clothes.
6. "You'll understand when you're older."
7. Quality over quantity.
8. Always try to see someone else's point of view.
9. Never be the one to retaliate in a fight. The last one to throw a punch is always the one who gets caught.
Throw the first punch or don't throw one at all. Getting caught by a teacher or by your parents when fighting with your siblings, always looks worse for whoever reacted last.
10. Be the bigger person.
11. If you can't decide who to choose between two people, you shouldn't have either.
12. You can love more than one person. You can't be in love with more than one person.
13. "Don't hide things from us, chances are if you're doing it, we've already done it."
14. Trust your gut.
15. "Do as I say, not as I do."
Though sort of hypocritical, it's better to listen to them than repeat the same mistakes they made. They're telling you for a reason.
16. You don't owe anyone anything.
17. Always dress for the part.
18. Listening is done with your eyes and ears.
19. Never take on more than you can handle.
20. You can do anything you put your mind to, and work for.
21. "No matter what you do, we will always love you"
Parents really do always know best. Listen to them and learn from them.