Ahhh, finals week. Any college student's most dreaded week of the semester. Final papers, final projects, final exams... final levels of sanity are all prevalent experiences that college students understand firsthand despite their major, minor, number of credit hours, or year in school. While you have so many real things to be working on (writing those papers, putting the finishing touches on projects, practicing presentations, filling out professor evaluations, putting together a schedule for next semester, organizing a semester's worth of notes, and studying, studying, studying to pass final exams) it suddenly becomes a bigger focus to complete the most random of tasks rather than the those of high priority just listed above.
Here are 21 things that you suddenly have the nagging urge to do rather than study for final exams.
1. Sharpening all of your pencils
You know, for when you go to take your finals.
2. Cleaning out your pencil case
You have to make room for all of those freshly sharpened pencils.
3. Reading a book for fun
You've barely finished reading all the required texts for this semester, but now you're choosing to read a book of personal choice? Makes sense.
4. Sorting through your closet
To find all the clothes you never wore this semester.
5. Creating a new playlist
This is kind of a necessity to get you through finals week, though.
6. Thrift shopping
All of sudden, you feel compelled to spend hours sifting through the items at Goodwill when you could be putting those hours towards studying.
7. Online shopping
Even though it's close to Christmas, your free Amazon Prime student membership is about to expire so you might as well use it one last time.
8. Shopping in general
Let's be honest, any kind of shopping takes precedence over studying for finals.
9. Scheduling health appointments
Nobody likes going to the eye doctor or dentist, but somehow those things are better than studying for finals.
10. Contacting old friends
I wonder how this semester was for them?
11. Instagram-stalking people from high school
Speaking of old friends, I haven't so-and-so post in awhile. Let's check out what they've been up to.
12. Sleeping
Let's just nap our troubles away, shall we?
13. Creating new Pinterest boards
*pins tips on hour to provoke proper time management skills*
14. Attempting to cook a new recipe
Something you found on Pinterest that you had forgotten you even pinned until you created new those new boards right now.
15. Wrapping all of your holiday gifts
Even though this could probably be put off for another week or so, you just have to do it now.
16. Washing your bedding
Haven't done this since the start of the semester, so it is about time.
17. Organizing the pantry
So you know what food's about to expire (or what already has).
18. Watching Vine compilations
Over and over and over again.
19. Rearranging your entire apartment
Maybe you can study better if your desk is over here instead.
20. Starting (and finishing) a puzzle
Stress-relieving at first, but then stress-reducing if you don't finish.
21. Re-evaluating your class schedule for next semester
Kind of important, but let's focus on passing THIS semester's classes, first.