21 things I've learned being 21 | The Odyssey Online
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21 things I've learned being 21

They said, "these are the best years of your life and enjoy your 20's."

21 things I've learned being 21

I have grown a lot throughout my 21 years on this earth. I've learned that life isn't easy. Your friends aren't always your friends. This life is short - insanely short. I wanted to share with you 21 things that have stuck with me over the years.

1. Pray.

Pray, pray, pray. When life is going great and you feel blessed: pray. When you lost a loved one: pray. When you lost your job: pray. When you're about to take the GRE: pray. Life isn't easy, and it might be tough sometimes but through prayer - anything is possible.

2. Count your blessings.

This might sound cliche, but it's true. Count your blessings. Appreciate all that you have rather than what you don't. Because one day you'll look back and realize you took all your blessings for granted.

3. Pay it forward.

This doesn't have to be a huge grand gesture, but buy the person's behind you coffee in Dunkin once in a while. Give to the homeless person on the side of the road. Smile at the person at the grocery store. Because you never know what people are going through and you never know your small act of kindness could be their grand gesture.

4. Smile.

Smile often. Life is too short to be negative. Smile and be positive. I am telling you, it is always worth it.

5. Call your family.

Call them NOT just when you need them but call them just because. Call to say hi. Call to check in. Call to say you love them.

6. Travel.

Travel often (very) often. Experience other cultures and see what else is out there. Whether it's skiing in Colorado, hiking in North Carolina, drinking in Napa Valley or embarking throughout Europe. Never stop exploring.

7. Be present.

If you know me, you know this is something I am still working on. Being present is very important (back to #2). Appreciating what you have and not what you don't. Making the most of every day. Live in the moment.

8. Have fun.

You are still young! Enjoy life. Go to get drinks with your friends. Go to that concert you've always wanted to go to. Go on that road trip with your girlfriends.

9. Failure is inevitable.

You didn't get that college acceptance letter. You didn't get that job. You didn't get that part you auditioned for. Yes, failure is a thing. A real thing. You are going to fail. We aren't perfect, and we never will be. When life knocks you down just get right back up. Don't let your failures define you.

10. Never forget where you came from.

Wherever life takes you never forget where you came from. Never forget where your roots are and what/who made you who you are today. However successful you become never forget those who helped you get there. (See #2).

11. Volunteer.

Sometimes your time is more valuable than your money. Volunteer whether it's once a month or once a year. Volunteer somewhere that means something to you, and where your time is valued and appreciated.

12. Laugh.

Don't be so uptight, laugh a little (or a lot). Life is beautiful and laughter is necessary. (Back to #8).

13. People change, you change, we all change.

Your friends in high school may or may not be your friends now and that's okay. We grow up and some grow together, and some grow apart. We are all constantly changing, some for better and some for worse. Just remember those who genuinely care about you will always be there for you.

14. Have faith.

You aren't always going to have it all figured out, but it's okay. You're in your 20's and it's okay to not have everything figured out. You have your whole life ahead of you! Remember, good things take time!

15. Go with the flow.

Some things are going not going to go to the way you have things planned, BUT that's okay. God has a plan for you and trust me He knows what he's doing! He is molding and shaping you into the best version of yourself.

16. Perfection isn't reality. Just relax.

Just know you are doing your best and that is okay. You got this. Believe in yourself and have confidence.

17. Everything happens for a reason.

Sometimes we don't know why things happen or what is happening but it is for a reason. Everything happens for a reason.

18. Music soothes the soul.

Music is amazing and there is tons of good music out there. Never stop exploring good music.

19. Support the locals.

Adventure to your local restaurants and support local businesses. The next time you want to grab coffee check out the local coffee shop!

20. Take care of yourself.

You are the only person who knows yourself the best. Sleep more, eat right and explore more. Trust me you will be so proud of yourself when you do.

21. I know some days and weeks are rough but don't give up.

You can do this – if God brings you to it, He'll bring you through it.

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