So, I've been 21 for just over a month now. Therefore, naturally I feel like I'm qualified to give all other current and future 21 year olds some words of wisdom.These are basically the little life lessons I've discovered along the way, especially in the past year. They might not be 100% universal, but I think they're pretty darn useful things to know. And I'm a lil unnecessarily high level of self-importance is coming out in this article, y'all. Just so you're prepared.
1. When you screw up, don't cry about it. Apologize. And fix it.
2. Invest in finding a good car mechanic you can trust.
3. When you need to, keep calm and get a pedicure.
4. Learn how to rock a romper. Trust me, every girl can do it. There's one out there for everybody.
5. If you think something you want to say might upset someone, don't say it.
6. Ask for help. Ask for help. ASK FOR HELP WHEN YOU NEED IT.
7. Red looks good on everybody.
8. There's nothing wrong with refusing to settle, quality-wise. This applies to friends, boys, and pizza.
9. You can't fix everybody. Focus on yourself first, as difficult as that is as times.
10. Everyone should work in food and bev at one point in their life. Even if it's just running a lemonade stand.
11. Call your parents. They appreciate it, even if it doesn't always show.
12. Don't let people make you feel bad for you doing you.
13. Nobody's ever too good for a cold beer on a hot day.
14. Always be there for your friends, but be smart enough to know which of those friends will also be there for you.
15. You get what you give. Simple as that.
16. Always listen to music in the car. Even if you're going five minutes down the road.
17. You'll never regret spending money on a concert ticket.
18. Go to the movies. Sometimes by yourself.
19. You're never too old for an ice cream cone. And you're never too mature for a Capri Sun or a popsicle.
20. When you get the chance to travel, say YES.
21. These lists are usually pretty very irrelevant... but always entertaining to read.