As you get older you start to learn more about yourself and the world around you. Turning twenty-one is a really big milestone birthday as everyone knows. As the clock strikes midnight and you go from being a twenty-year-old to officially being able to buy your own alcohol instead of trying to contact friends to buy it for you, it really makes you think about all the things that you have learned in the past twenty-one years of life. So here are twenty-one things that I've learned in my twenty-one years of life.
1. It's about quality, not quantity when it comes to friends.
I've never really been one to have a big circle of friends but over the years I have found the people that I trust and confide in and that's what matters the most.
2. If you want to eat that extra cookie, do it.
There have been too many times when I've been too concerned with my body image and my weight. I've learned that eating an extra cookie is not going to do anything. Which leads me into....
3. You're perfect just the way you are.
There's nothing wrong with wanting to work out and get in shape to feel better about yourself but don't do it for anyone but YOU.
4. Disconnect from your cell phone sometimes.
Take some time during the day to just leave your phone in a drawer for a few hours, it's not going to kill you I promise.
5. Writing down your problems and stresses really does help.
I've blogged on and off about things that I've been upset or stressed about and it has done wonders for my mental health. It doesn't matter where you put your thoughts as much as getting them out so you don't just keep them bottled up.
6. Don't waste your time crying over someone who hurt you.
We've all been there. Crying over a relationship that ended or finding out that the other person didn't feel the same. It's okay to be sad for a little while but don't let it consume you. You're better than that.
7. Stay out late, even if you have to go to work tomorrow.
Sure you'll probably be tired the next day but what's better than staying out late with your best friends and making unforgettable memories? That's right, nothing.
8. Appreciate being alone.
I know that being alone sucks sometimes but you have to learn to be okay with being alone. There's nothing wrong with taking some time to yourself.
9. When you mom calls you, don't blow her off.
When I first started college I never really called my mom unless I needed money or didn't know if something in my fridge was still good. But now I call my mom at least once a day just to see how she's doing.
10. You don't have to have your life figured out yet.
You probably always get those questions from adults about what you want to do with your life or where you're headed after graduation but guess what? You don't have to know exactly where you're headed yet. You're still young.
11. Don't panic if you're not in a serious relationship right now.
Once again, you're still young. Instead of worrying about finding your "soulmate", go out and have fun with your friends. Life's too short to worry about finding love.
12. Yes, school is important, but don't let it consume you.
Sometimes you need to go out on a Tuesday night because your early morning class was canceled the next day and you've been up to your ears in homework. Live a little bit, it won't kill you!
13. Budget your money.
This is something that I still need to work on (oops).
14. Spend more time with your family.
Sure they might get on your nerves sometimes but when the going gets tough, they will always have your back.
15. Drink more water.
You'll be amazed at how much healthier you feel after you start drinking more water. There are also so many health benefits.
16. Put a water bottle in the fridge before you go out.
Drunk you will thank sober you for that. Trust me.
17. Go outside more often.
Instead of sitting inside all day watching Netflix, go outside and take a walk. Find a park bench and just sit down and watch people walk by. Go on a hike through a trail by your house.
18. Love yourself.
There's no one else like you out there so go out and OWN IT. Your body deserves the same love and attention that you give everyone else.
19. Move your phone away from your bed.
You'll be less tempted to pick it up while you're trying to fall asleep. You'll notice that you sleep more soundly if you're not constantly on your phone before you go to sleep.
20. Your mom is always right.
Well, not always, but 99% of the time.
21. Wake up everyday stronger than yesterday.
Life can be hard sometimes but what's important is how you learn from it. Take each experience and each heartbreak with an open mind. Everything in this life happens for a reason and take nothing for granted.