English majors are students with critical thinking skills who search for meanings in everything, love reading, and argue for certain topics in papers for classes. Here are 21 things only English majors understand:
1. You're the only one in your squad that texts in grammatically correct sentences.
I need to write grammatically correct sentences if I don't want to BS my major.
2. You understand the difference between they're, their, and there.
Are we the only ones that pay attention to the differences?
3. The moment when you have the delete a paragraph in order to come in under the word limit.
Why are you doing this to us? I thought it was better to write more than less! Right? Come on!
4. You're always reading.
... and gaining more wisdom.
5. When someone tells you being an English major is easy
Writing six papers a month, proofreading your friends' papers, understanding metaphors, and reading three assignments in a week are simple. Yeah, right.
6. "Do you want to teach English?"
If I earned a dollar every time I'm ask this question, I would be rich.
7. The requirement of buying 3 times more books than the average student.
At least learning from the books we buy will pay off.
8. You're OCD with your emails to your professors.
The last thing I need to do is make a fool out of myself by writing an improper email to a professor.
9. Reading for pleasure is no longer an option.
*cries waterfalls
10. Having 6,457 sticky notes in each book.
Using sticky notes is a way to improve your understanding of your readings.
11. Writer's block is your worst enemy.
Brain, you had one job! Your job was to defeat writer's block, not allow it to invade my intelligent territory.
12. Your laptop is basically your most needed material for homework.
According to English majors, there is inspiration everywhere and in everything. That is why we need our laptops with us.
13. You want to understand every meaning in every book you read or every movie you watch.
There are meanings behind everything!
14. The moment when someone spoils the ending of a book.
Thanks a lot, dude.
15. The moment when your non-English major friends cry about going under the page limit, while you're crying about going over the page limit.
Non-English majors will never understand the pain of having to decide what to sentences to delete in order to come in under the page limit.
16. Libraries and coffee shops are your go-to places.
Can't go wrong with either of them.
17. Barnes and Noble is your happy place.
Can I camp here?
18. Shmoop is your best friend.
Sparknotes may be your best friend, too. Please go on to Shmoop. The Shmoop writer is hilarious. Trust me, you won't be disappointed.
19. The moment when study rooms are full.
Why are study rooms limited?! We need to work hard!
20. You either love or hate Shakespeare.
There is no in-between. No gray area because your feelings for Shakespeare are black or white.
21. There's nothing that smells better than a brand new book.
Rory Gilmore, we're officially friends.