For the first time in 23 years, the New York Islanders finally reached the Eastern Conference Semifinals of the Stanley Cup Playoffs. A plethora of joy and excitement surrounded their final win against the Florida Panthers, and it was time to keep believing in round two. After Game One against Tampa, hopes were high; a win and huge Islanders success against last year's runner-up in the Stanley Cup Finals. Unfortunately, despite the Isle's fans' undying love and support and the players' perseverance, the series ended with a Game Five failure that could break anyone's heart. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m sure a few of you did these things during and after the game, too.
- *Game start* "Okay, we can do this."
- "We only need to win three games in a row to get to the next round."
- Trying to pretend everything is okay and that the Islanders are totally capable of doing this.
- Not letting Tampa’s first goal get to you.
- “It’s fine.”
- Trying to keep composure once again when Tampa scored goal two.
- “Minor setback for a major comeback, right?”
- After Tampa’s third goal, reassuring yourself that, “Yeah, yeah, we can make a comeback. We’ve scored three goals in the last period once before this season. I mean, it was against the Panthers, but we can do it with Tampa.”
- *Goal four for Tampa* “No, no. We cannot do it with Tampa.”
- Feeling your worry level going from zero to one hundred.
- Feeling a pit in your stomach because the inevitable is coming and it’s not what you were hoping for.
- Having some serious breathing issues.
- Hearing the final buzzer.
- Seeing the disappointed look on the boys' faces and knowing that it's happening.
- Getting mad at Tampa for being excited for their own win.
- "How could they be so insensitive?"
- Not wanting to recognize the loss.
- “It’s fine, I’m not upset or anything.”
- *Eye twitch*
- Contemplating life.
- Wondering why bad things happen to good people.
- Pinching yourself to see if you’re dreaming.
- “This cannot be real.”
- Staring at the wall because you're not quite sure how to handle this.
- "Should I full-out cry?"
- "Or just sob?"
- Tearing up because they won’t be playing again until October.
- Realizing you will not know what to do with your life until October.
- Hiding in your room so no one will ask you what’s wrong.
- Shedding a few tears in the name of the great New York Isles.
- Realizing this is not the end; there is still more hockey to be played next season.
- Getting excited for next season.
- “If we got to round 2 this year, we can do it again and next time, win the Cup!”