21 Things To Do Before Turning 21 | The Odyssey Online
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21 Things To Do Before Turning 21

"Say 21 again." ... "21."

21 Things To Do Before Turning 21

Turning 21 is the ultimate rite of passage for any college student. Not only does it open you to the world of wristbands, but it's a soft introduction to *shudder*... Adult life. Though turning 21 can be intimidating, it's supposed to be an exciting time to be with friends, family, and your drink of choice.

Considering all of this, I've compiled a list of 21 things I intend to do, and I believe everyone should do before turning 21.

1. Be part of something bigger

Whether your "something bigger" is simply volunteering in your hometown or traveling across the world to build schools in Africa, everyone should aim to be part of something bigger than themselves. This doesn't even have to be a direct service to people or a community. It can be joining your student union, a fraternity, or a sorority to make your opinions heard and put into action. Helping people is something we're taught from a young age, but is solemnly enforced and encouraged in our later years. So go out, join an organization, help make something happen, or become a missionary across the globe!

2. Attend a music festival

From Coachella to Bonnaroo to Lollapalooza to the New Orleans Jazz Festival, there's truly a music festival out there for everyone. Music festivals are a time to let your freak flag fly while being surrounded by thousands of people on questionable substances. Not only are they an amazing opportunity to hang out with friends, but an even better one to make some new pals. It's an experience that is unique from any concert you'll ever go to and is something that I am definitely looking forward to in the next two years. So what's your festival of choice?

3. Fall in (and out of) love

Though it's not something that everyone will have the chance to truly feel before turning 21, it's not because you never will–time just isn't yours. While I do believe everyone should do it before turning 21, it is also something that can't be forced. You can't exactly try for it–it's more of something that will come naturally and trust me, you will know when it's happened. Whether it happens out of the blue or after being high school sweethearts with your s/o, just let it happens when it happens.

4. Get a tattoo

Tattoos can be a dreadful mistake from a drunken night or a piece of sentimental, planned art. Whatever you decide yours to be, tattoos are an awesome conversation piece but are a part of you for the rest of your life. That being said, make sure not to completely "ragret" your body ink (not even a single letter)...

5. Be independent

Independence is a HUGE part of going away to college, and for many, it comes naturally. This being said, for many, it can be a little more difficult. For many college students, the thought of leaving your hometown is anxiety-inducing and stressful, but becoming independent is essential for success in college. Depending on your parents in high school is OK, but don't be the 21-year-old that still doesn't know how to do their own laundry. Independence is key.

6. Find your fit

Discovering how you like to look and dress is one of the fun parts of your pre-adult life. Being able to go out and experiment with new clothes, piercings, tattoos, etc. is a fun time, but it's also something that can decide where you fit in. Though I hate to say it, your appearance definitely dictates the people you associate with (which is why finding your fit is vital). If you're turning 21 and still trying to figure out your fashion, get it together, because job interviews are on the horizon.

7. Take a road trip somewhere

Road tripping is the quintessential summer activity, but it's still something to do before turning 21! Taking a two-hour road trip or a trip across the country can be cheap (but still a lot of fun) and a way to spend time with your friends from school who you don't get to see during the summer. Hop in the car, pack a bag, pick up a friend, and drive wherever your heart takes you!

8. Get better at saying no

To be honest, I don't really have a lot to say about this one. I feel like it's pretty self-explanatory and understandable. Maybe it's something more personal, but I feel like a lot of us are prone to be people-pleasers. As a result, we don't really know how to say no. I know it's something I certainly need to work on and that will definitely help me after the turning point of 21.

9. Find a hobby

Believe it or not, something people actually have free time during the semester (crazy, right?). A hobby is an awesome way to do something you like, meet other people who like it, and relax all at once. Your hobby can be as simple as reading or as complicated as underwater basket weaving, but whatever it may be, pursue it and love it. Do what you love and love what you do.

10. Have a best friend (or a couple of them)

Having a best friend is important going into your 21st year of life (and, really, every year of life). A best friend is someone you can go to about quite literally anything and will be there for you regardless of what you're going through. Friends are the ultimate support system and your chosen family. Having at least one that you consider your best pal is not only extremely important, but super comforting. OK, shameless self-promotion time... For more information on some of the friends you'll meet your freshman year, hit up another one of my articles.


By no means am I encouraging underage drinking (but like... I kinda am.) Just hear me out though and picture this: It's the night of your 21st birthday and you've never been drunk before. You're pregaming at your friend's apartment and everything's going well so far. You're feeling yourself, dancing, tossing back shots, etc. You and your group of friends head out to the club or wherever you're headed that night and get your drinks. The next thing you know, you're throwing up in a back alley, blacked out, and your friends are dragging you to student health. Now tell me, do you REALLY want to be that kid? I rest my case.

12. Travel out of the country

Much like falling in love, traveling out of the country is something that's simply not guaranteed before you turn 21. Traveling can be very expensive, especially when you're talking internationally. But if you're given the opportunity from an organization, studying abroad, or any other way you can afford, I believe it's something that should definitely be attempted.

13. Diversify yourself and become more cultured

As much as we like to think we know everything about everything, there is so much in the world for us to learn. Diversifying ourselves as human beings is vital to our survival in the adult world. The simplest way to do this is to just put yourself out there because sitting on your couch and eating your ramen is never going to teach you culture. So get out there, try new foods, new fashion, learn a language, and learn some history!

14. Learn something new

Diversifying yourself and learning something new kind of go hand-in-hand. In fact, it's really easy to kill two birds with one stone, between the two. Pick something new that you want to learn and learn it. That, in itself, is diversifying you and your interests. Don't limit yourself to learning just one new thing because an article on The Odyssey said so, go and learn all the things! Knitting? Simple. Cooking? EASY. Shoe making? Why not?!

15. Watch the sunrise

Probably the simplest of tasks on this list, watching the sunrise is a basic, but extremely fulfilling task. It truly is a euphoric experience that can't be fully explained unless you've done it. Like I said, this one is extremely easy, so go pack a picnic basket, some blankets, grab a few friends, and find a spot with a stunning sunrise.

1.) Face a fear

From broccoli to spiders to commitment, everyone's fears vary. Often, these fears hold us back in life and prevent us from conquering a goal or reaching our full potential. So pick something you're scared of and send yourself full-force right into it. I know, it sounds simpler than it is, but at least try your best.

17. Love yourself

For some people, this may be the hardest task on this list. For many, self-love is a natural thing that comes with how they were raised and treated. However, there are many others that are treated the same way, but still struggle with self-love. Loving yourself isn't something that will come quickly, but you'll learn in time. In the meantime, don't get discouraged. You'll get there eventually.

18. Learn to adult

Let's face it, turning 21 is the real beginning of adulthood and you're probably super unprepared. While this could kind of fall into the idea of being independent, adulting is a whole subcategory. Taxes, student loans, balancing a checkbook, buying a house, and many more tasks are all hardships that come with what appears to be glorious adulthood. Learn a handful of these useful tradeS before you turn 21 and you'll be set.

19. Vote

I know that for some, this may seem like an obvious one, but many young people are not registered to vote. Even if they are, many don't take the time to go vote. Many believe that their vote "doesn't matter" or is irrelevant, but that is incredibly far from the truth. Whether you vote in the presidential election or the election of your city's council, you're making your voice heard. Our generation is powerful, but can be pushed aside so easily. Go out there, register, and vote for whatever or whoever you're passionate about.

20. Be nostalgic

So many of us try to escape the shackles of our hometowns. While spreading your wings is amazing, it's also important to remember your roots and how you got to where you are today. I'm not saying that you have to return to your hometown all the time, but take the occasional trip, grab a pizza from your favorite local restaurant, and sit with your friends from high school to look through old yearbooks and scrapbooks. Feeling that nostalgia can be therapeutic when you're feeling overwhelmed and can really ground you. You can also play a rousing drinking game where you take a shot for every classmate who's engaged, married, or pregnant... Play at your own risk...

21. Have fun

Enjoy yourself, savor your youth, and feel the wind in your hair.

Enough said.

In the end, turning 21 is really meant to be a time of bliss, enjoyment, and fun. Don't let the stresses of what's to come freak you out. Ultimately, it'll all work out in the end.

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