As swimmers, we have to deal with things on a daily basis, from agonizing practices, to meets that seem like they're never going to end on a Friday night. However, even with those two things, and everything in-between, we'll still never lose our love for this amazing sport.
1. Deck changing.
When you become good enough at doing this, locker rooms become irrelevant to you.
2. Swimmer Ear.
You'll always have rubbing alcohol and cotton balls in your bag to dry out your ears.
3. Warm ups.
Taking "every man for themselves" to a new level.
4. Cool downs.
Who takes these seriously anyway? Aren't these just made to do dolphin dives and to float on your back?
5. Jumping in the water.
Never wanting to get in the water in the morning.
6. Goggles.
Of course they fog up right when you hit the water.
7. Kick sets.
When you hear your coach say "kick set" and you can't help but lose it and jump in and out of the water with a smile on your face.
8. The Olympics.
The one time everyone pretends they care about swimming.
9. The smell of Chlorine.
Just accept it, we hate it too, and we can't get rid of it.
10. Keeping track of your events.
12. Butteryfly sets.
The one thing you never want to hear your coach say in the morning is "today is a fly day!" and they always act like they're joking, yet there's still that kid that will want to swim the entire 500Free doing butterfly.
13. Peeing in the pool.
Come on, don't like, we know you've done it. Even Michael Phelps admits to it.
14. Pulling on the lane lines.
Your coach knows your not that fast, so don't get caught.15. Breathing.When your coach tells you you're in the 50 Free and you better not breath.
16. Relays.
17. Waking up in the mornings.
When that first alarm goes off and you seriously consider quitting right there.
18. Dropping .01 of a second.
19. When non-swimmers question your sport.
All we have to do is drop the, swim a 1650 and when they ask what that is, you kinda just laugh/cry, because you've had to swim it, and it scares you.
20. Cheers.
"Aydee Aydee Aydee Oh!
Riggy, raggy, riggy, ro!
Throw your hands up to the sky (hands up)
Watch us swimmers pass you by!
We are first and never last!
Lighting swimmers are mighty fast."
21. Coaching summer swim-team.
Even though the days are long, and the sets are killer, we still wouldn't give it up for anything, because you can't get us away from the water.