At your college, you probably know that there's a lot of things that only YOU know about it. From professors, to landmarks, to buildings, you know all the secrets. Here is just a short list of 21 things that you know to be true if you happen to be a Ball State University Cardinal.
1. You look forward to Happy Friday Guy every week
And then when there was that one month that he went missing, everyone started to panic and some people went as far as to contact him on social media asking "Where did you go?"
2.Lafollette is the absolute worse place to live on campus
Don't argue with me on this.There's no AC in the entire building, you're always hot and sweaty, everything is run down, and there's only one laundry machine on your floor and it ONLY takes quarters. Let's not forget that the elevator only goes to two floors, 1 and 6, and there's 8 floors.
3.And Park is the best
It just has the look of a hotel and, let's be real, having a semi-private bathroom when you have to live on campus is heaven on earth.
4.The Premium Plan is a trap
Seriously, don't do it. It may seem nice at first with priority housing and class scheduling and even more dining plus, but in reality, you're still paying $10,000 for room and board.
5.The Geese are everywhere
And they are the scariest things you have ever encountered in your life. It's like every corner you turn theres a goose, and let me tell you, they will not get out of your way. Because of that, you're then forced to take another way to class.
6. The Chirp Light pauses between 8 and 7 in the countdown
And if you didn't know it did this, go to the chirp light and listen. You will never be able to not hear it now.
7. Frog Babies attire matches the seasons
And she always looks stylish!
8.If the busses are full, they will not stop to pick you up
And then you just get frustrated because now you have to walk all the way across campus to the class you're already late to (which, let's be real, you could have been closer to on time if you had just sucked it up and walked)
9.Parking Services are the devil
There is literally no where to park for free and paying for parking just seems like a hassle. However, even when you do pay to park, if you go over by 1 second, BOOM, parking ticket.
10. 8.40 is not enough for lunch or dinner
If you're like me and try and eat health (or as healthy as you can in college) dining isn't the best place to do that, especially when a salad already costs $5. You can't live off of just a salad! Also, same goes for breakfast: 4.85 is not enough.
11.Homecoming is one of the best times of the school year
From bed races, to air jam, to the homecoming parade, homecoming week is one of the most lit (excuse my slang) weeks of the school year. It's the one time where we all seem to unify as a school.
12.Gen Eds are pointless
I mean, I know I'll TOTALLY use the skills I learned in water aerobics in my future English class.
13.You've closed out Bracken Library at least once
And you're grateful for the fact that the Bookmark Cafe is open till 9:30 so that you can keep refreshing your coffee to get you through the late night ahead.
14.The Buffets on campus are the best
Whether it's Noyer Retreat, Elliot, or the Buff, when you're a struggling college student who is starving, going to one of the buffets is the best thing to ever happen to you (especially when it's Noyer Breakfast Buffet)
15.Avoid the Atrium from 12-1 at all costs
Because let me the tell you, you will not be getting your food till after one because of the ridiculous crowds that don't even allow you to move, let alone breath. You have to think to yourself: is the Chick-fil A really worth it?
16.Sometimes, you only go to Late Nite for the free food
Sometimes you don't feel like paying for your dinner or that late night snack craving, so you revert to gong to late night for some free drinks and food (and if you're like me, I go there for the free pizza).
17. But you do look forward to Late Nite Carnival at the end of the year
Because we all need to unwind, and sometimes spinning around on the tilt-a-whirl and eating popcorn is the best way to destress.
18.The Teacher's College is the best building to get a good aerial picture of campus
Because it has 10 floors and is the highest building in Delaware County, it's the perfect spot to get a great aesthetic picture for your collection, or to just show off how beautiful Ball State is.
19.Charlie Cardinal is absolutely terrifying
You love showing your school spirit and you probably wouldn't hesitate to high five or take a pic with him, but cmon, the fact that he's a cardinal with obvious teeth showing out of his beak is a terrifying sight when you're walking down McKinley.
20. You love when people tour, but hate when they get in the way
Don't get me wrong, I love that you're touring and considering going to BSU, but please, keep to one side, because I have a class to get to and not a lot of time to get there.
21. Ball State isn't the "best of the best"
But you wouldn't trade being a cardinal for anything in the world, and to you, it is the best school because, well, you chose to go there! Chirp chirp!