We all know someone who doesn't like a certain type of food that we like. We all don't have the same exact taste buds, and that's OK. However, when it comes to picky eaters, I think I just might be the pickiest eater alive. If you're a picky eater too, you can probably relate to many, if not all of the awkward situations that come up because of only liking as many things to eat as I have fingers on my hands.
1. People are literally "shocked" and leave their mouths gaping for a few seconds when you tell them you don't like certain foods.
I'm the pickiest eater alive. What can I say? You can shut your mouth now, though. You're not about to change my eating habits like that. Sorry.
2. When you finally find the one thing you like at a restaurant and decide to forever order the same thing.
This is SO me. When waiters or waitresses see me, they just say, "The usual?" That's how bad it is.
3. When you go over to a person's house and they cook for you, but it's something you simply can't eat, but you don't want to be rude about not eating what they've made.
All you have to do is sit at the table and watch the food being brought over, becoming sick before even eating any of it. Just seeing it, your eyes get huge and your stomach drops. In reality, if it wasn't rude, you'd just want to be like, "EWWWWWWW!" What the hell is that?
4. Having to decide between eating food that you absolutely hate or starving to death.
5. Having the biggest urge to travel and go on exciting adventures, but have the shattering thought of the difference in foods and basically staving your entire trip.
Well, at least I'd save money, right?
6. When someone orders pizza, because after all, it's the universal food that everyone likes. So you're all excited that they're getting something you like, BUT ... Turns out you're going to be disappointed.
Of course it has that one topping that you can't stand. So everyone watches you pick around the topping and says, "If you don't like it, take it off!" But I'm over here like, "Uh ... THERE'S STILL A LINGERING TASTE."
7. Having trust issues when it comes to unknown "edible" substances that are placed in front of you, or nearby.
Trust is absolutely KEY when it comes to foods. I have a great sense of smell, being able to smell out the ingredients that I won't eat, let alone touch. I'm also a super-taster. Don't you dare try to get me to eat THAT! BLAH!
8. Trying your hardest not to make a face at the food that someone else is trying to get you to eat.
Basically, your diet consists of mainly junk food, since that's all you really trust and know. But, hey. Give me bread or fruit and I'll be a happy camper!
9. There's literally only a handful of foods that I eat ... and I even get tired of eating those! But of course never enough for me to try something new instead.
If you know me, you know I'd rather starve than possibly even touch something that I don't like ... especially if it's green.
10. Going to a restaurant and asking if you can still order from the children's menu.
I mean, I have to ask. I know I'm 19, but I'm picky as hell ... I also still look 12, so just let me order those chicken nuggets, please!
11. People always trying to force feed you shit that you don't really want to eat at all. And probably never will.
For the last 50 times, I WILL NOT TOUCH THAT. Put it down. Get it out of my face! It's like you're stressing me out SO MUCH.
12. Not being able to order anything from like half to three quarters of the menu because they ALL consist of ingredients you don't like.
I don't like going to new restaurants. It freaks me out. This means I can't order my usual food. UGH. You're giving me anxiety by taking me somewhere new with (probably) gross food. I'm screaming inside!
13. People calling you childish for not liking vegetables or anything to do with them.
Well, yeah, I may not like vegetables. But hand me a chicken wing and I'll be gooooood!
14. Non-picky eaters getting mad at you because they like pretty much anything.
Damn. SORRY. I try! I just hate everything!
15. Going hungry a lot of the time because nothing's ever appetizing.
16. When your parents go to cook dinner and know you don't like what they're making and then complain that you don't like it.
I said I didn't like that. I haven't liked that since I was 2-years-old. Didn't like it last year, last month, last week. And guess what? Still don't like it.
17. Your mom buying a cookbook to try to "cook new foods" and so you'll "expand" your "horizons," but you just go back to eating the same thing you always do.
Sorry, Mom. That looks great and all, but I don't want to eat it. I'm going to just stick to this plain pasta over here. Thanks for trying though!
18. When eating with family or going to social events, you totally get judged for only putting like 2 things on your plate.
I don't like anything that's been provided. I'm just going to stick to the chips and salsa. Maybe a couple of pieces of watermelon if there aren't any seeds in it. ... Just go back to eating your potato salad, Larry. Stop judging me, JEEZ.
19. When people are constantly telling you that you don't eat "anything."
Well, yeah I do. I just eat a lot of the same things, so shut up!
20. Always pushing the parts of your meal to the side or trying to put them over to someone else's plate because you know they're not as picky as you.
It's such a struggle when you hate everything and someone else eats everything. Like, I'm sorry that I HATE cheese. If you love cheese that much, looks like we're just going to have to get two separate burgers. And I'll give you my cheese! Because I hate it.
21. Ordering food without a ton of the ingredients it's supposed to come with.
Whoops. "I want a cheeseburger with no cheese." "You mean, a hamburger?" Yeah ... Yeah, that's what I meant.