Let's face it. There are some of us out there that just aren't morning people — and if you're anything like me, you will literally kill the person who dares to wake you up before 10 a.m. on any day of the week. College has turned you into some sort of creature, and those habits are hard to break. You're also probably reading this right now at 2 a.m., wide awake, and thinking to yourself, "Da*n ... this is #relatable."
1. You're told to meet at breakfast at 10 a.m. and inside you start crying. You might even produce some physical tears, too.
2. You're actually not a big fan of breakfast foods.
3. But you ARE addicted to coffee.
4. You've experienced the “boring" side of social media.
5. You don't know what morning classes are like.
6. You consider Friday as a part of your weekend and forget that people actually have class on Friday.
7. You know that the most meaningful conversations happen past midnight.
8. Your best work gets accomplished between the hours of 1-3 a.m.
9. Your best friend is Netflix.
10. Speaking of your bestie — you've probably seen the “Are you still watching?" message too many times to count.
11. Your friends and family know not to talk to you in the morning until you have had your cup of coffee.
12. You never actually have three meals a day.
13. You're a pro at the whole “midnight snack" thing, though.
14. You've self-diagnosed yourself with insomnia on more than one occasion.
15. You never actually get more than 5-6 hours of sleep a night.
16. The thought of getting a “real" job after college scares the crap out of you solely based on the fact that you can't sleep in.
17. You've probably googled “jobs that require late hours" on more than one occasion.
18. You're secretly just a night owl because you love the peace and quiet that is in the air when everyone else you live with is asleep.
19. You face the dilemma every night of posting something on social media at 4 a.m. and not wanting to be judged for it.
20. The best part — hands down — is being able to see the sunset and watching the sunrise.
21. No matter how hard you try, you can't seem to get your sleeping schedule back to normal.