Is it just me or is it crazy that it has actually been 10 years since we were first graced with the innocent days of Miley Cyrus on our televisions every day? Miley Cyrus blessed us with some very memorable scenes throughout her seven years as Miley Stewart/Hannah Montana. Although, I may not fall into every category, I do know that most of these definitely apply to me (even now in my college days). Here are 21 times that confirm your slight obsession with having the best of both worlds...
1. You remember the bone song & think of it anytime you're in science/anatomy class
Thank you, Disney for being educational and helping me pass class with this song.
2. You've ever done this with one of your friends
Come on, say it with me: "oooooh tsssss!"
3. You've dreamed of owning a closet like hers
Honestly, ever since all the clothes and shoes came out of that secretly deep closet that has been #goals.
4. You knew the steps to the Hoedown Throwdown.
5. ... And/Or most of the moves to Nobody's Perfect
6. You've imagined living with your best friend like this someday.
7. You've said this phrase when something goes wrong.
8. You can turn to your other Hannah Montana watching friend and do this and she would do it with you
Sometimes even pull this move out at the bar, because well... Hannah Montana.
9. You briefly believed that ketchup was a good a moisturizer.
You've even almost tried it, before your mom stopped you.
10. You've said "___ is like a puma"
This line and Roxy had to make it in here.
11. Whenever you heard the term "Blue Jeans," you instantly thought of her horse.
I totally wanted my own horse after this, too.
12. If you were ever stuck between two guys, you think of when she was stuck between Jake and Jesse.
*Cue "He Could Be the One"*
13. You've ever quoted this scene when thinking of getting out of bed
Oh Miley, how you know exactly how I feel.
14. You've ever thought about doing this same thing in gym class
When the teacher says we're doing sit ups and pushups.. UHM NO.
15. If a plane doesn't go straight to a gate, you've thought about exiting it Hannah Montana style.
16. You've used this line anytime you've fought with any of your brothers.
...or any other male. I've definitely used this line on my cousins, too.
17. You've ever saw someone holding the last anything in the store and wanted to do this exact thing
18. You've ever said this same thing to any guy.
19. You've compared your friendship to Miley and Lily's.
20. You've ever imagined how life would be if you just put on a wig and became a pop star.
If she can do it, why can't I? SERIOUSLY.
21. And you obviously know all of the words to the theme song.
You know you want to look up the theme song and start sing it now.
Miley, I know you're not celebrating this 10 year anniversary, so I will do all the celebrating for you. BRING ON THE HANNAH MONTANA MARATHON!