Competitive cheerleading is different from all other sports. We have our own little "cheer world" and outsiders don't usually understand why we do what we do. They think we're ridiculous for spending 3+ days a week practicing a routine that takes 2 minutes and 30 seconds. Maybe they're right, but all of the blood, sweat, and tears are worth it when you hit a routine in front of thousands of people. Although our time in the sport had to eventually end, we can still sit back and reminisce on that love/hate relationship. Here are some signs you were a competitive cheerleader:
1. You have a million jackets, sweatshirts, and t-shirts from every cheer company that has ever existed.
You don't know why you keep all of them... you just do.
2. You know two minutes and thirty seconds feels like the longest amount of time ever, yet it goes so fast... how is that even possible?
3. At one time, you probably owned 3 pairs of the same shoes and it's completely normal.
4. Teasing brush and hairspray...need I say more?
5. You have Nike Pros in every color ever made.
6. Action pictures...either your best friend or worst enemy.
There's no in between. Did I really make that face?
7. You might not have cheered in a couple years but you think you still got it.
As you drop into a split and pull your hamstring. Ok ouch.
8. You have been to Disney so many times that you can basically navigate that place with your eyes closed.
9. Did someone say cheerleading isn't a sport?
10. You have already decided that someday you'll be that mom doing tucks on the trampoline and cartwheels in the yard with your kids.
11. You knew your coach was always lying when he/she said "one more time" but you loved them anyway.
12. You listen to songs on the radio and automatically start adding in sound effects.
13. When a song from an old routine comes on, you can't hold yourself back from marking that stunt even if you are in the middle of the grocery store.
14. The words "full out" still make you cringe.
15. And the words "hit, hit, hit, pull" have been yelled at the top of your lungs more times than you can count.
16. You always wanted to tell your non-cheer friends about that new stunt you hit at practice but you knew they wouldn't understand.
17. You mastered the eye roll when people would say "Oh you're a cheerleader? Show me a cheer!"
18. Or even worse... "Can you do a flip?"
19. You stalk the CheerUpdates twitter account hoping to see "HIT" next to your favorite team names.
20. You always think of the different types of stunts you could do to reach tall things. Like put me in a prep and I'll change that light bulb.
21. You have lifelong friendships that you wouldn't trade for the world.
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