1. The Hogwarts Express seems like an ideal mode of transportation.
With big, comfy seats and a snack trolly full of sweets, it definitely seems better than just a car or a shuttle.
2. So do broomsticks.
I'd get over my fear of heights to learn how to ride a broomstick.
3. You want to know what house you would be placed in.
Sure, you have an idea of whether you'd be a Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, or Ravenclaw, but you want to know where the Sorting Hat would place you.
4. The food in the Great Hall looks much better than your dining hall's.
Feasts literally just appear out from the tables.
5. Pets are actually encouraged.
Who wouldn't want a pet owl?
RIP Hedwig.
6. Fred and George.
You always wished you could witness one of their crazy pranks.
(RIP Fred -- one death I don't think I'll ever be over).
7. ...and the rest of the Weasley family.
The Burrow just seemed so homely, and their family is so large and inviting.
8. A Quidditch match seems much more exciting than football.
A sport that consists of people flying around on broomsticks...I'm in. You also secretly wish you can one day be on the team and catch the snitch to win the game.
9. You get to learn about cool creatures like dragons.
Much better than just boring, old chemistry.
10. The pictures and paintings move.
You could befriend a painting on the wall and your pictures would basically be GIFs.
11. You could be learning cool spells instead of math.
Just like there's an app for everything, there's a spell for everything. You'd literally never even have to stand up again if you wanted. Accio food.
12. Hagrid.
Hagrid is someone you'd definitely want to befriend. He's loyal, trust worthy, and always there when you need help. He also had the best line of pretty much the whole movie series.
13. You would go to school in a castle.
So many secrets passageways to be found.
14. Snape.
You wanna meet Snape and know what his deal is. Potions class sounds a little scary...but so cool.
15. Dumbledore.
A little wacky, but you definitely want him as your advisor because he's old and wise. Did I mention he's also the most powerful wizard in the wizarding world?
16. Sure, you'd have a uniform, but it's a cool ass cape.
You'd low-key be like a superhero all of the time.
17. You get to hangout in the cool house common rooms.
Cozy with fireplaces and big comfy chairs? Much better than the one you have now.
18. Weekend trips to Hogsmeade for Butterbeer.
The perfect little town full of shops and, most importantly, Butterbeer.
19. The candies.
You want to try every Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans and eat chocolate frogs all of the time.
20. The Yule ball seems like a good time.
Much better than the galas at your school.
21. New and crazy adventures with new and amazing friends.
Who wouldn't want to join Harry and the gang on all of their wild journey's and adventures? We're the four best friends that anyone could have!
Okay, so...where's my letter?